Hello everyone,
I have a major issue that happened after engine updates and database codes I have been writing. I cannot see why the updates or my codes would do this, but maybe someone can help.
What you see in the picture is what has happened. I can't get outside the building, there is a grey wall in the way. The game world has not changed, I have not re-built it or modified any .world files.
I have checked that the Server and Client are loading the world and that the player is entered into game and that is okay (because as you see in picture, I am ingame). The world must be loading at least one area for me to enter the world at the initial spawn (in side that building).
I cannot find this problem. Is it not loading areas outside the building? is there some sort of occlusion going on?
I hope someone can help me. My codes seems okay but I am using a modified version of NetChr from Esenthel MMO; I am loading data from database and not File.
In Esenthel MMO, Bool NetChr::load(File &f) is called which calls super::load(f) which is Obj::load. I don't know what super::load(f) does (I don't have access to codes) but I think it sets the world for NetChr, so my NetChr::load method does this to set the world:
// more codes here
Str worldName;
DivergenceDB.getCol(WORLD_NAME, worldName);
Vec position;
DivergenceDB.getCol(POS_X, position.x);
DivergenceDB.getCol(POS_Y, position.y);
DivergenceDB.getCol(POS_Z, position.z);
Net::World* world = Net::Worlds(worldName);
T.setWorld(world, position);
// more codes here that loads mesh/phys
That must work, I enter world on client okay, just can't see outside building.