RE: March 2011
Released for Windows and Mac:
-new documentation topic "tools/code editor"
-new macro "super" in EE C++ headers and Code Editor, defined as "__super"
-fixed processing template functions in Code Editor followed directly by "typename" keyword after "template<..>" (an example is Cache::lockedElm)
-fixed processing template constructors in Code Editor declared outside of class body
-Code Editor now supports only C# like basic data types (bool, int, uint, byte, sbyte, short, ushort, long, ulong, char which is 16-bit, and also following: char8, ptr, cptr, uintptr, flt, dbl, real)
-code editor now supports simplified templates definition ("<TYPE>.." instead of "template<typename TYPE>..")
-added missing Material::validate() call to shader tutorials codes after modifying material parameters
-added new tutorial "shaders/custom light" presenting how to render meshes with custom lighting applied regardless of lights on the scene
-material reflection intensity now depends also on specular texture
-added new temporary KController class (kinematic controller) for physx builds, to solve potential jittering when Controller class (dynamic controller) is used
-fixed importing .jpg files on dx9 (occasionally they could be generated as transparent with alpha channel=0)
-manually defined data types (classes/enums/typenames/typedefs) will now be colorized just as native keywords in code editor
-additional fixes to imm
-updated Esenthel MMO sources so they can be compiled on Mac
-fixed small bug in Map::replaceClass on Mac which may have disabled the ability to connect client to server in Esenthel MMO demo
-added "find" option to code editor (listing exact symbols, closest symbols, text in files)