January 2015
Released Esenthel for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS and Web:
-added support for Mesh Variations (one mesh with multiple material variations per mesh parts)
-new function 'SetVariation' allowing to set variation for drawing
-added Mesh and MeshPart variation related methods
Other Features:
-removed pauses when importing skyboxes into image editor
-image editor now supports drag and drop of 6 images at the same time, if the names contain front/forward/back/up/top/down/bottom/left/right keywords, they will be imported accordingly as cube faces
-bloom of currently opened environment in the environment editor will be used when displaying cube images in the image editor
-Skeleton Bones now have information about their children, allowing to easily iterate them without having to look through all bones and compare the parents
-improved performance of browsing projects (for example when opening folders, creating new elements, moving elements, etc.) on huge projects having thousands of elements
-improved auto detection of animation track names (during importing) in some cases
-editor split animation funcionality now allows to specify if animations are looped
-editor split animation funcionality now allows importing *.meta files for parsing of animation keyframe ranges
-improved FBX importer to allow importing quads
-changed default save path for *.EsenthelProject files to system desktop
-new right-click mesh bulk operation "move bottom to y=0"
-image elements can now be resized to custom sizes in the image editor
-added a region around object lod edit distance to prevent textline from losing keyboard cursor when moving mouse around
-selected lod index in the editor will be preserved when changing objects and if that index is not in range
-fixed a minor issue when sometimes after duplicating objects they were not selected
-added a new "M" menu option "Create Materials from Images" allowing to create multiple materials from a list of images (both files and elements) in one operation
-new function "CompareNumber" which correctly compares strings like "abc10" vs "abc2" (it compares the 10 and 2 as a number, instead of taking first different '1' and '2' characters)
-Esenthel Editor, List and MemberDesc compare methods now use 'CompareNumber' for natural number ordering instead of 'Compare'
-improved AnimatedSkeleton bones and points access through a new 'FixedMems' array
-new methods Image.mirrorX and mirrorY
-added a new tutorial "Net/Advertisements" showing how to display Advertisements using AdMob on Android and iOS
-separating object mesh parts in the editor into separate objects, now copies existing skeleton
-merging similar materials will now always keep the first material listed in the group, while removing those that are below, having a consistent processing order
-TextData now has a new 'loadYAML' method allowing to load simple YAML based text data
-setting Particles.image_speed to <=0 will make the image to be randomly selected and without animation
-added a new D.colorPaletteAllow bool method allowing to allow/disable RM_PALETTE based rendering (default false for mobile)
-added a new Particles.palette_image member allowing to specify custom particle color based on their life
-fixed exporting 16-bit greyscale PNG files
-fixed exporting greyscale JPEG files
-added support for reading palette based TGA and TIF files
-added support for reading 16-bit greyscale TIF files
-added support for saving TIF files
-improved Code Editor class header order sorting, which fixes an issue related to using a custom class in FixedArray
-game objects can now inherit meshes and physical bodies from other objects, as long as the object is set as its base (use drag and drop) and current mesh/skeleton or physical body is empty
-added a new flag APP_NO_OCULUS_RIFT allowing to disable Oculus SDK usage
-MeshGroup now supports information about mesh variations for each mesh inside the group
-fixed a very rare crash under circumstances when attempting to draw a heightmap mesh part which after simplification became empty
Api Changes:
-Particles.convertToBlend and APP_AUTO_PARTICLES_CONVERT_BLEND have been removed (particles are converted to blend mode on the fly when D.colorPaletteAllow is disabled
-Particles.save/load format has been changed
-Particles.colorTable has been replaced with Particles.palette_image allowing for finer control over particle colors
-AnimatedSkeleton bones and points are now accessed through 'bones' and 'points' member arrays
-removed 'Color ParticleColor(..)' function
-MeshPart has now separate methods for setting material, multi-material and material variations
-MaterialLock has been removed and replaced with the new Mesh Variation system
-Game.Area.Data.grass_objs has been removed, please use 'foliage_objs' instead, 'foliage_objs' is however not saved in area data file, it is always re-created at loading time from 'Game.Area.Data.objs' grass object types
-DLL.createMem now requires additional parameter of dll "Int size"