Switching back and forth skeleton
I have to switch back and forth between 2 skeletons because of animation that was done on a different set of skeleton.
now this works fine, and both skeleton act accordingly, but the transition is not very smooth ( goes crazy for a second ).
is there a way to make it more "instant" from one to the other ?
at the moment i delete the old skeleton, create the new one, then animate
(This post was last modified: 07-29-2021 08:06 PM by RedcrowProd.)
07-29-2021 06:35 PM |
RE: Switching back and forth skeleton
what do you mean goes crazy?
if there are different skels and animations then there should be a visible "jump" from one pose to another, but nothing more than that.
If you see some unusual jump, then perhaps you're doing something wrong or in wrong order.
1-create new skeleton.
2-animate it. (updateBegin, clear, animate, updateMatrix, updateEnd)
3-draw with new skeleton
Does that work?
If not, can you try running step 2 two times? So
Let me know how it goes.
07-30-2021 05:16 AM |
RE: Switching back and forth skeleton
it did make it a bit better, i am going to add some smoke to hide the transition as well, that should do the trick !
thanks !
07-30-2021 10:28 PM |