Option for Desc to pop up above
By default, a gui object's desc will pop up below the object unless there isn't enough room, in which case it will pop up above the object. I'm finding in a number of cases that it is not good for the desc to pop up below the object as it covers something the user needs to be able to see. In these cases it would be great for the desc to pop up above the object.
If possible, can you add a new Bool member to GuiObj, perhaps called descAbove, which by default is false, but if set to true then the desc will try to pop up above the object first rather than below the object.
09-19-2012 02:21 AM |
RE: Option for Desc to pop up above
you'll be able to do this once I implement roadmap's "•using custom gui object description drawing"
09-26-2012 12:35 PM |
RE: Option for Desc to pop up above
Much appreciated.
09-27-2012 01:14 AM |
RE: Option for Desc to pop up above
This will be added in next SDK
12-23-2012 09:02 PM |
RE: Option for Desc to pop up above
Very good. Thank you.
12-24-2012 12:58 AM |