 * Copyright (c) Grzegorz Slazinski. All Rights Reserved.                     *
 * Titan Engine (https://esenthel.com) header file.                           *

   Use 'Pak' for archiving multiple data files into one "*.pak" file.

// PAK
   PF_REMOVED =1<<0, // this file is marked as removed, this flag is useful if you're using multiple paks and you want to specify that a file which was in one Pak should now no longer exist (for example: having "Data.pak" - base Pak of data, "Patch.pak" - Pak storing updated files, "Data.pak" has "file.txt", in the "Patch.pak" we want to specify that "file.txt" should no longer exist, to do that, we include a dummy "file.txt" PakFile in the "Patch.pak" with PF_REMOVED enabled, now when loading "Data.pak" followed by "Patch.pak", "file.txt" from "Patch.pak" with PF_REMOVED flag will replace "file.txt" from "Data.pak" making it no longer accessible)

   PF_STD_DIR =1<<1, // this file was originally created from a standard directory (not a file)
   PF_STD_LINK=1<<2, // this file was originally created from a symbolic link
struct PakFile // Single File stored in Pak
   CChar *name ; // file name (this does not include the path, to get the full name please use 'Pak.fullName')

   Byte          flag                ; // file flags (PAK_FILE_FLAG)
   COMPRESS_TYPE compression         ; // file compression algorithm
   Int           parent              , // parent index            in 'Pak.file', -1=none
                 children_offset , // offset of children in 'Pak.file' (this is the index of the first child in 'Pak.file' array)

                 children_num        ; // number   of children
   ULong         data_offset         ; // offset   of data     in Pak
   UInt          data_size           , // size     of data
                 data_size_compressed, // size of data after compression (if this file is not compressed, then this member is equal to 'data_size')

                 data_xxHash32 ; // xxHash32 of data, this member is set to 0 if PAK_SET_HASH was not enabled during Pak creation

   DateTime      modify_time_utc     ; // file modification time (UTC time zone)

   FSTD_TYPE type()C {return (flag&PF_STD_DIR) ? FSTD_DIR : (flag&PF_STD_LINK) ? FSTD_LINK : FSTD_FILE;} // get type of the file
enum PAK_FLAG // Pak Creation Flags
   PAK_SHORTEN =1<<0, // when packing only one directory "xxx", files inside it won't be stored in "xxx\*.*" but in root "*.*"

   PAK_NO_DATA =1<<1, // store only file names without their data
   PAK_NO_FILE =1<<2, // don't create output Pak file, but only set Pak class members
   PAK_SET_HASH=1<<3, // calculate the hash member for each Pak file, if not enabled then the hash will be set to zero (hash calculation requires additional processing and slows down creation of Paks)
enum PAK_LOAD : Byte // Pak Load result
   PAK_LOAD_NOT_FOUND          , // source file was not found
   PAK_LOAD_NOT_PAK            , // source is not a Pak
   PAK_LOAD_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION, // source Pak version is not supported
   PAK_LOAD_INCOMPLETE_HEADER  , // source has incomplete header
   PAK_LOAD_INCOMPLETE_DATA    , // source has   complete header, however data is incomplete
   PAK_LOAD_OK                 , // Pak loaded OK
enum COMPRESS_MODE : Byte 
   COMPRESS_KEEP_ORIGINAL, // keep compression as from the original source file without making any changes

   COMPRESS_DISABLE , // disable any compression (if source is compressed then it's decompressed and left uncompressed)

   COMPRESS_ENABLE , // enable compression (if source is compressed then it's decompressed first) file will be compressed as specified in the PAK create/update function
struct Pak // Set of Pak Files
   // load
   void operator=( C Str &name ); // load Pak from file , Exit on fail
   Bool load ( C Str &name , const_mem_addr Cipher *cipher=null); // load Pak from file , false on fail, 'cipher' must point to object in constant memory address (only pointer is stored through which the object can be later accessed)

   Bool loadMem (const_mem_addr CPtr data, Int size, const_mem_addr Cipher *cipher=null); // load Pak from memory, false on fail, 'cipher' must point to object in constant memory address (only pointer is stored through which the object can be later accessed), 'data' must point to a constant memory address (only pointer is stored through which the data can be later accessed)

   PAK_LOAD loadEx (C Str &name , const_mem_addr Cipher *cipher=null, Long pak_offset=0, Long *expected_size=null, Long *actual_size=null, MemPtr<DataRangeAbs> used_file_ranges=null); // load Pak from file , 'cipher' must point to object in constant memory address (only pointer is stored through which the object can be later accessed), 'pak_offset'=offset of PAK data inside the file , 'expected_size'=expected size of the PAK file, 'actual_size'=actual size of the PAK file

   PAK_LOAD loadMemEx(const_mem_addr CPtr data, Int size, const_mem_addr Cipher *cipher=null, Long *expected_size=null, Long *actual_size=null, MemPtr<DataRangeAbs> used_file_ranges=null); // load Pak from memory, 'cipher' must point to object in constant memory address (only pointer is stored through which the object can be later accessed), 'data' must point to a constant memory address (only pointer is stored through which the data can be later accessed), 'expected_size'=expected size of the PAK file, 'actual_size'=actual size of the PAK file

   // get
   Int rootFiles( )C {return _root_files ;} // get number of files in root directory, they are stored first in the 'files' array

   Int       totalFiles(     )C {return _files.elms();} // get number of all files
 C Mems<PakFile>& files(     )C {return _files       ;} // get files array
 C      PakFile & file (Int i)C {return _files[i]    ;} // get i-th file

   Long totalSize(C PakFile &file, Bool compressed=false )C; // get file total size (size of the file and all of its children), 'compressed'=if return the compressed size 'PakFile.data_size_compressed' instead of 'PakFile.data_size'

   Long totalSize( Int i , Bool compressed=false )C; // get i-th file total size (size of the file and all of its children), 'compressed'=if return the compressed size 'PakFile.data_size_compressed' instead of 'PakFile.data_size'

   Str fullName (C PakFile &file )C; // get file full name (path + name)
   Str fullName ( Int i )C; // get i-th file full name (path + name)
 C PakFile* find (CChar *name, Bool include_removed=true)C; // find file from its full name (path + name), 'include_removed'=return also files which are marked as removed (have PF_REMOVED flag enabled), null on fail

 C PakFile* find (CChar8 *name, Bool include_removed=true)C; // find file from its full name (path + name), 'include_removed'=return also files which are marked as removed (have PF_REMOVED flag enabled), null on fail

 C PakFile* find (C UID &id , Bool include_removed=true)C; // find file from its ID , 'include_removed'=return also files which are marked as removed (have PF_REMOVED flag enabled), null on fail

 C Str& pakFileName( )C {return _file_name;} // get name of the file where the Pak is located. If this Pak is stored inside another file, then this method will return the file name of the top most parent

   Pak& pakFileName(C Str &name); // manually adjust the Pak file name in case the file was moved

   // create from files and save to disk
   Bool create(C Str &file , C Str &pak_name=S, UInt flag=PAK_SHORTEN, Cipher *dest_cipher=null, Cipher *src_cipher=null, COMPRESS_TYPE compress=COMPRESS_NONE, Int compression_level=9, Bool (*Filter)(C Str &name)=null, COMPRESS_MODE (*CompressMode)(C Str &name)=null, Str *error_message=null, PakProgress *progress=null); // create Pak, 'file '=single file/directory , 'pak_name'=Pak file name to save to, 'flag'=PAK_FLAG , 'compression_level'=0..CompressionLevels(compress) (0=fastest/worst, ..=slowest/best), false on fail, 'Filter'=optional pointer to custom callback function which will receive information about encountered files and folders (their name) for which it should return true if the element should be included in the Pak and false if not included (if 'Filter' is null then all encountered files/folders will be included), 'error_message'=will contain a message what went wrong upon error, 'progress'=optional parameter allowing to control creation from secondary thread

   Bool create(C CMemPtr<Str > &files, C Str &pak_name=S, UInt flag=PAK_SHORTEN, Cipher *dest_cipher=null, Cipher *src_cipher=null, COMPRESS_TYPE compress=COMPRESS_NONE, Int compression_level=9, Bool (*Filter)(C Str &name)=null, COMPRESS_MODE (*CompressMode)(C Str &name)=null, Str *error_message=null, PakProgress *progress=null); // create Pak, 'files'=list of file/directories , 'pak_name'=Pak file name to save to, 'flag'=PAK_FLAG, all elements listed in 'files' must be located in the same path, 'compression_level'=0..CompressionLevels(compress) (0=fastest/worst, ..=slowest/best), false on fail, 'Filter'=optional pointer to custom callback function which will receive information about encountered files and folders (their name) for which it should return true if the element should be included in the Pak and false if not included (if 'Filter' is null then all encountered files/folders will be included), 'error_message'=will contain a message what went wrong upon error, 'progress'=optional parameter allowing to control creation from secondary thread

   Bool create(C CMemPtr<PakNode > &files, C Str &pak_name , UInt flag= 0, Cipher *dest_cipher=null , COMPRESS_TYPE compress=COMPRESS_NONE, Int compression_level=9 , Str *error_message=null, PakProgress *progress=null); // create Pak, 'files'=list of file/directory nodes, 'pak_name'=Pak file name to save to, 'flag'=PAK_FLAG , 'compression_level'=0..CompressionLevels(compress) (0=fastest/worst, ..=slowest/best), false on fail , 'error_message'=will contain a message what went wrong upon error, 'progress'=optional parameter allowing to control creation from secondary thread

   Bool create(C CMemPtr<PakFileData> &files, C Str &pak_name , UInt flag= 0, Cipher *dest_cipher=null , COMPRESS_TYPE compress=COMPRESS_NONE, Int compression_level=9 , Str *error_message=null, PakProgress *progress=null); // create Pak, 'files'=list of file/directory data , 'pak_name'=Pak file name to save to, 'flag'=PAK_FLAG , 'compression_level'=0..CompressionLevels(compress) (0=fastest/worst, ..=slowest/best), false on fail , 'error_message'=will contain a message what went wrong upon error, 'progress'=optional parameter allowing to control creation from secondary thread

   // io
   Bool saveHeader(File &f)C; // save Pak header (information about files, without their data), false on fail

   Pak&   del(); // delete manually
  ~Pak() {del();}
struct PaksFile // Single file stored in PakSet
   Pak     *pak            ; // Pak to which file belongs to
 C PakFile *file           ; // pointer to Pak file
   Int      children_offset, // offset of children in 'PakSet.file'
            children_num   ; // number of children

   Str fullName()C; // get file full name (path + name)

   PaksFile() {Zero(T);}
struct PakSet // set of Pak's combined together with all their PakFile's combined in one database (PakFile's with PF_REMOVED aren't included in PakSet)
   // get
   Int rootFiles( )C {return _root_files ;} // get number of files in root directory, they are stored first in the 'file' array

   Int        totalFiles(     )C {return _files.elms();} // get number of all files
 C Memc<PaksFile>& files(     )C {return _files       ;} // get files array
 C      PaksFile & file (Int i)C {return _files[i]    ;} // get i-th file

   Long totalSize(C PaksFile &file, Bool compressed=false)C; // get file total size (size of the file and all of its children), 'compressed'=if return the compressed size 'PakFile.data_size_compressed' instead of 'PakFile.data_size'

   Long totalSize( Int i , Bool compressed=false)C; // get i-th file total size (size of the file and all of its children), 'compressed'=if return the compressed size 'PakFile.data_size_compressed' instead of 'PakFile.data_size'

   Str fullName(C PaksFile &file )C; // get file full name (path + name)
   Str fullName( Int i )C; // get i-th file full name (path + name)
 C PaksFile* find (CChar *name )C; // get file from its full name (path + name)
 C PaksFile* find (CChar8 *name )C; // get file from its full name (path + name)
 C PaksFile* find    (C UID      &id                         )C; // get      file from its ID

   // operations
   Bool addTry ( C Str &name, const_mem_addr Cipher *cipher=null, Bool auto_rebuild=true); // add Pak from file , 'auto_rebuild'=if automatically call the 'rebuild' method, false on fail, 'cipher' must point to object in constant memory address (only pointer is stored through which the object can be later accessed)

   PakSet& add ( C Str &name, const_mem_addr Cipher *cipher=null, Bool auto_rebuild=true); // add Pak from file , 'auto_rebuild'=if automatically call the 'rebuild' method, Exit on fail, 'cipher' must point to object in constant memory address (only pointer is stored through which the object can be later accessed)

   Bool addMemTry(const_mem_addr CPtr data, Int size, const_mem_addr Cipher *cipher=null, Bool auto_rebuild=true); // add Pak from memory, 'auto_rebuild'=if automatically call the 'rebuild' method, false on fail, 'cipher' must point to object in constant memory address (only pointer is stored through which the object can be later accessed), 'data' must point to a constant memory address (only pointer is stored through which the data can be later accessed)

   PakSet& addMem (const_mem_addr CPtr data, Int size, const_mem_addr Cipher *cipher=null, Bool auto_rebuild=true); // add Pak from memory, 'auto_rebuild'=if automatically call the 'rebuild' method, Exit on fail, 'cipher' must point to object in constant memory address (only pointer is stored through which the object can be later accessed), 'data' must point to a constant memory address (only pointer is stored through which the data can be later accessed)

   Bool remove ( C Str &name ); // remove previously added "Pak from file" , true is returned if Pak was found and removed, false if it was not found, this method always calls 'rebuild' upon success

   Bool removeMem( CPtr data ); // remove previously added "Pak from memory", true is returned if Pak was found and removed, false if it was not found, this method always calls 'rebuild' upon success

   void rebuild ( ); // rebuild Pak files database from loaded Pak's, this needs to be called once after adding new Pak's

   Int paks   (     )C {return _paks.elms();} // get number of loaded Paks
   Str pakName(Int i)C;                       // get name   of i-th   Pak

   PakSet& del(); // delete manually
   Paks; // this is the global Pak set which is automatically used when opening files
struct PakProgress // class that can be optionally passed to Pak creation functions to get extra control over that process (for example on one thread you can call Pak create function with this class object as the parameter, then on secondary thread you can access that object and read the 'progress' or enable 'stop' to break Pak creation)
   Bool stop    ; // set this to 'true' on secondary thread to break Pak creation, default=false
   Flt progress; // current progress of Pak creation, 0..1, Pak creation functions will modify this value according to the progress, default=0

   PakProgress&   reset() {stop=false; progress=0; return T;} // reset members to initial values
   PakProgress() {reset();}
struct DataSource
   enum TYPE : Byte 
      NONE    , // data is empty
      NAME , // data comes from a file named 'name' which can be accessed using standard IO functions, such as 'File.read' and 'FileInfo'

      STD , // data comes from a file named 'name' which can be accessed using standard IO functions, such as 'File.readStd' and 'FileInfoSystem'

      FILE , // data comes from a pointer to 'File' object, which should be already opened for reading

      PAK_FILE, // data comes from a pointer to 'PakFile' and 'Pak' objects
      MEM     , // data comes from specified memory address and its size

   TYPE type;
                          Str name; // used when "type==NAME || type==STD"
   union { struct {      File *    file;                     };    // used when "type==FILE"
           struct { C PakFile *pak_file; C Pak *pak        ; };    // used when "type==PAK_FILE"
           struct {      CPtr    memory;  Long  memory_size; }; }; // used when "type==MEM"

   DataSource& zero ( ) {type=NONE ; return T;} // set NONE type
   DataSource& set ( C Str & name ) {type=NAME ; T. name= name; return T;} // set NAME type
   DataSource& setStd( C Str & name ) {type=STD ; T. name= name; return T;} // set STD type
   DataSource& set ( File & file ) {type=FILE ; T. file=& file; return T;} // set FILE type
   DataSource& set (C PakFile &pak_file, C Pak &pak ) {type=PAK_FILE; T.pak_file=&pak_file; T.pak =&pak; return T;} // set PAK_FILE type

   DataSource& set ( CPtr memory, Long size) {type=MEM ; T. memory= memory; T.memory_size=size; return T;} // set MEM type

   File*     open          (File &temp)C;
   Long      size          (          )C;
   Long      sizeCompressed(          )C;
   Str       srcName       (          )C;
   FSTD_TYPE fstdType      (          )C;

   DataSource() {zero();}
struct PakFileData // Pak File Data, used for creating or updating Pak's from custom files
   enum MODE : Byte 
      REPLACE , // remove any previous information about this file in Pak, include new information about this file specifying that it now exists, with new data taken from 'file' member , use this mode for creating new files or updating previous files

      REMOVE , // remove any previous information about this file in Pak, don't include any new information about this file , use this mode for completely removing any information about previous file

      MARK_REMOVED, // remove any previous information about this file in Pak, include new information about this file specifying that it is now removed, by enabling PF_REMOVED flag for this file, use this mode for removing previous file and leaving information that it now is removed (see comments for PF_REMOVED flag to get more information)

   FSTD_TYPE type ; // type of the file, can be set to FSTD_FILE, FSTD_DIR or FSTD_LINK, used only if "mode==REPLACE" or "mode==MARK_REMOVED"

   MODE mode ; // mode specifying how this file should be treated (whether it should be replaced, removed completely, or marked as removed)

   COMPRESS_MODE compress_mode    ; // specify compression mode for this file
   COMPRESS_TYPE compressed ; // if source file is already compressed then specify here its compression algorithm, used only if "mode==REPLACE"

   Long decompressed_size; // if source file is already compressed then specify here its original decompressed size (otherwise leave to -1), used only if "mode==REPLACE"

   Str name ; // target name in the destination Pak (can include folders), for example "Folder/file.ext"

   DataSource    data             ; // file data, used only if "mode==REPLACE"
   UInt xxHash32 ; // file hash, if you know it already then you can set it manually to save processing time, in other case you can leave it to 0, used only if "mode==REPLACE"

   DateTime      modify_time_utc  ; // file modification time (UTC time zone)

   PakFileData() {type=FSTD_NONE; mode=REPLACE; compress_mode=COMPRESS_ENABLE; compressed=COMPRESS_NONE; decompressed_size=-1; xxHash32=0; modify_time_utc.zero();}
struct PakNode // Pak File Node, used for creating Pak's from custom files
   FSTD_TYPE type ; // type of the file, can be set to FSTD_FILE, FSTD_DIR or FSTD_LINK
   Bool exists ; // if the file exists, if it's set to false then file will be created with PF_REMOVED flag enabled (see comments for PF_REMOVED flag to get more information)

   COMPRESS_MODE compress_mode    ; // specify compression mode for this file
   COMPRESS_TYPE compressed ; // if source file is already compressed then specify here its compression algorithm

   Long decompressed_size; // if source file is already compressed then specify here its original decompressed size (otherwise leave to -1)

   Str name ; // target name in the destination Pak, for example "file.ext" (can't include folders, for example can't be "Folder/file.ext")

   DataSource    data             ; // file data
   UInt xxHash32 ; // file hash, if you know it already then you can set it manually to save processing time, in other case you can leave it to 0

   DateTime      modify_time_utc  ; // file modification time (UTC time zone)
   Memb<PakNode> children         ; // sub-elements

   PakNode() {type=FSTD_NONE; exists=true; compress_mode=COMPRESS_ENABLE; compressed=COMPRESS_NONE; decompressed_size=-1; xxHash32=0; modify_time_utc.zero();}
// Create Pak
inline Bool PakCreate(C Str &file , C Str &pak_name=S, UInt flag=PAK_SHORTEN, Cipher *dest_cipher=null, Cipher *src_cipher=null, COMPRESS_TYPE compress=COMPRESS_NONE, Int compression_level=9, Bool (*Filter)(C Str &name)=null, COMPRESS_MODE (*CompressMode)(C Str &name)=null, Str *error_message=null, PakProgress *progress=null) {return Pak().create(file , pak_name, flag, dest_cipher, src_cipher, compress, compression_level, Filter, CompressMode, error_message, progress);}

inline Bool PakCreate(C CMemPtr<Str > &files, C Str &pak_name=S, UInt flag=PAK_SHORTEN, Cipher *dest_cipher=null, Cipher *src_cipher=null, COMPRESS_TYPE compress=COMPRESS_NONE, Int compression_level=9, Bool (*Filter)(C Str &name)=null, COMPRESS_MODE (*CompressMode)(C Str &name)=null, Str *error_message=null, PakProgress *progress=null) {return Pak().create(files, pak_name, flag, dest_cipher, src_cipher, compress, compression_level, Filter, CompressMode, error_message, progress);}

inline Bool PakCreate(C CMemPtr<PakNode > &files, C Str &pak_name , UInt flag= 0, Cipher *dest_cipher=null , COMPRESS_TYPE compress=COMPRESS_NONE, Int compression_level=9 , Str *error_message=null, PakProgress *progress=null) {return Pak().create(files, pak_name, flag, dest_cipher , compress, compression_level , error_message, progress);}

inline Bool PakCreate(C CMemPtr<PakFileData> &files, C Str &pak_name , UInt flag= 0, Cipher *dest_cipher=null , COMPRESS_TYPE compress=COMPRESS_NONE, Int compression_level=9 , Str *error_message=null, PakProgress *progress=null) {return Pak().create(files, pak_name, flag, dest_cipher , compress, compression_level , error_message, progress);}

// Update Pak
Bool PakUpdate (Pak &pak, C CMemPtr<PakFileData> &changes , C Str &pak_name, UInt flag=0, Cipher *dest_cipher=null, COMPRESS_TYPE compress=COMPRESS_NONE, Int compression_level=9, Str *error_message=null, PakProgress *progress=null ); // update 'pak' Pak by applying 'changes' and saving the new Pak into 'pak_name' (if dest file is same as source file, then a temporary file will be used), 'compression_level'=0..CompressionLevels(compress) (0=fastest/worst, ..=slowest/best), 'compress'=compression algorithm for the 'changes' (files from 'pak' will preserve their original compression), this completely recreates the Pak fully rewriting its data , for example updating 1GB Pak with 1MB file will perform 1GB+ operations, this will result in a lot of Disk operations , however created Pak will be fully optimized, and as small as possible , if update failed for some reason then original Pak will remain unmodified and any temporary files will be deleted, this function preserves original files and only modifies those listed in 'changes'

Bool PakUpdateInPlace ( C CMemPtr<PakFileData> &changes , C Str &pak_name, UInt flag=0, Cipher * cipher=null, COMPRESS_TYPE compress=COMPRESS_NONE, Int compression_level=9, Str *error_message=null, PakProgress *progress=null ); // update 'pak_name' Pak by applying 'changes' in-place directly within the 'pak_name' file without creating any additional files , 'compression_level'=0..CompressionLevels(compress) (0=fastest/worst, ..=slowest/best), 'compress'=compression algorithm for the 'changes' (files from 'pak_name' will preserve their original compression), this operates on existing Pak, adjusting it without creating new files, for example updating 1GB Pak with 1MB file will perform 1MB+ operations, it will perform as few Disk operations as possible, however created Pak will not be fully optimized, and may contain some useless data, if update failed for some reason then original Pak will remain unmodified , this function preserves original files and only modifies those listed in 'changes'

Bool PakReplaceInPlace( C CMemPtr<PakFileData> &new_files, C Str &pak_name, UInt flag=0, Cipher * cipher=null, COMPRESS_TYPE compress=COMPRESS_NONE, Int compression_level=9, Str *error_message=null, PakProgress *progress=null, PakPostHeader *post_header=null); // replace 'pak_name' Pak with 'new_files' in-place directly within the 'pak_name' file without creating any additional files , 'compression_level'=0..CompressionLevels(compress) (0=fastest/worst, ..=slowest/best), 'compress'=compression algorithm for the 'changes' (files from 'pak_name' will preserve their original compression), this operates on existing Pak, adjusting it without creating new files, for example updating 1GB Pak with 1MB file will perform 1MB+ operations, it will perform as few Disk operations as possible, however created Pak will not be fully optimized, and may contain some useless data, if update failed for some reason then original Pak will remain unmodified , this function replaces original files with 'new_files'

// Compare Pak
Bool PakEqual( MemPtr<PakFileData> files, C Pak &pak ); // if 'files' are the same as the ones in 'pak' (this will verify if all files from 'files' are of the same size, modification time and hash (if available) as those from 'pak' , Warning: folders may get ignored)

Bool CPakEqual(C CMemPtr<PakFileData> &files, C Pak &pak ); // if 'files' are the same as the ones in 'pak' (this will verify if all files from 'files' are of the same size, modification time and hash (if available) as those from 'pak' , Warning: folders may get ignored)

Bool PakEqual( MemPtr<PakFileData> files, C Str &pak_name, Cipher *pak_cipher=null); // if 'files' are the same as the ones in 'pak_name' Pak (this will verify if all files from 'files' are of the same size, modification time and hash (if available) as those from 'pak_name' Pak, Warning: folders may get ignored)

Bool CPakEqual(C CMemPtr<PakFileData> &files, C Str &pak_name, Cipher *pak_cipher=null); // if 'files' are the same as the ones in 'pak_name' Pak (this will verify if all files from 'files' are of the same size, modification time and hash (if available) as those from 'pak_name' Pak, Warning: folders may get ignored)

inline Int Elms(C Pak    &pak ) {return pak .totalFiles();}
inline Int Elms(C PakSet &paks) {return paks.totalFiles();}
struct FileRanges
   Bool               set_used_file_ranges;
   Long               write_pos; // used for in_place to append data at the end of the file
   Long               updated_size; // size after in_place update
   Memt<DataRangeRel> holes;
   Memt<DataRangeAbs> used_file_ranges_temp;

   void init(Int pre_header_size, C CMemPtr<DataRangeAbs> &src_used_file_ranges, Bool set_used_file_ranges);

   Long posForWrite(Long size); // get position for writing 'size' amount of data

#define CC4_SPAK CC4('S','P','A','K')
static const Int SPakPreHeaderSize=4+4;

struct SPakFile // Simple PAK File
   UInt data_offset, data_size;

   void save(File &f) {f<<T;}
   void load(File &f) {f>>T;}
struct SPak // Simple PAK
   struct Load
      Memt<DataRangeAbs> used_file_ranges;
      void loaded(C SPakFile &pak_file);
   struct Save : FileRanges
      SPak &pak;
      Memt<SPakFile> mem_data;
      Save(SPak &pak);

      void keep(C SPakFile &pak_file);
      Bool save(  SPakFile &pak_file, CPtr data, Int size);
      Bool save(Int files);

 C Str& name()C {return _name;}

   void del();
   Bool open(C Str &name, Cipher *cipher=null);

   virtual Bool loadHeader(File &f, Load &load, Int files) {return false;}
   virtual Bool saveHeader(File &f, Save &save           ) {return false;}
T2(KEY, DATA) struct SPakMap : SPak // SPak that uses Map to store elements
   struct DataFile : DATA
      SPakFile data;
   struct DataMem : DATA
      Mems<Byte> data;

   Bool               changed=false;
   Map<KEY, DataFile> file;
   Map<KEY, DataMem > mem;

   void del()
      file . del();
      mem  . del();
   Bool open(C Str &name, Cipher *cipher=null)
      del(); return super::open(name, cipher);
   DataMem& operator()(C KEY &key) // get 'mem' element to be modified, it will be flushed at later stage
              file.removeKey(key); // can't have the same element in both 'file' and 'mem'
      return *mem (key); // no need to set 'changed' because having 'mem' already triggers flush
   void remove(C KEY &key)
      Int i=mem .findValidIndex(key); if(i>=0){mem .remove(i); changed=true; return;}
          i=file.findValidIndex(key); if(i>=0){file.remove(i); changed=true; return;}
   Bool read(File &f, C DataMem &mem ) { f.readMem(mem .data.data(), mem.data.elms()); return true;}

   Bool read(File &f, C DataFile &file) {return f.read   (file.data       , T              );}
   Bool read(File &f, C KEY      &key )
      if(DataMem  *d=mem .find(key))return read(f, *d);
      if(DataFile *d=file.find(key))return read(f, *d);
      f.close(); return false;

   // io
   virtual Bool loadHeader(File &f, Load &load, Int files)override
         KEY key; f>>key; DataFile &data=*file(key); data.data.load(f); if(!data.load(f))return false;

         load.loaded(data.data); // notify of data presence
      return true;
   virtual Bool saveHeader(File &f, Save &save)override
   { // saving sorted/merged file+mem would be difficult, instead data will be sorted during load
      FREPA(file){f<<file.key(i); DataFile &data=file[i]; data.data .save(f); if(!data.save(f))return false;}

      FREPA(mem ){f<<mem .key(i); DataMem &data=mem [i]; save.mem_data[i].save(f); if(!data.save(f))return false;}

      return f.ok();
   Bool flush()
      if(mem.elms() || changed)
         Save save(T);
         FREPA(file)save.keep(file[i].data); // keep existing data
         save.mem_data.setNum(mem.elms()); FREPA(mem) // save data from memory
            DataMem &m=mem[i];
            if(!save.save(save.mem_data[i], m.data.data(), m.data.elms()))return false;
         if(!save.save(file.elms()+mem.elms()))return false; // save header with number of elements

         FREPA(mem) // store data from 'mem' into 'file'
            DataFile &data=*file(mem.key(i));
            SCAST(DATA, data)=mem[i];
      return true;
   Bool optimize()
      if(!name().is())return true;
      Str  temp_name=name()+"@new";
      File f; if(f.write(temp_name, T.f.cipher()))
            UInt data_pos=SPakPreHeaderSize;
            if(!f.pos(data_pos))goto error; // skip pre-header, we will write it later

            // write file data
               File src;
               FREPA(file){if(!read(src, file[i]) || !src.copy(f))goto error;}
               FREPA(mem ){if(!read(src, mem [i]) || !src.copy(f))goto error;}

            // header
            UInt header_pos=f.pos();
            f.cmpUIntV(file.elms()+mem.elms()); // elms
            // saving sorted/merged file+mem would be difficult, instead data will be sorted during load

            SPakFile pf;
            FREPA(file){f<<file.key(i); DataFile &data=file[i]; pf.data_offset=data_pos; pf.data_size=data.data.data_size; pf.save(f); if(!data.save(f))goto error; data_pos+=pf.data_size;}

            FREPA(mem ){f<<mem .key(i); DataMem &data=mem [i]; pf.data_offset=data_pos; pf.data_size=data.data.elms() ; pf.save(f); if(!data.save(f))goto error; data_pos+=pf.data_size;}

            // pre-header
            if(!f.pos(0))goto error;
            f.putUInt(header_pos-SPakPreHeaderSize); // header_offset
            if(!f.flushOK())goto error;

            // replace
            Str name=T.name(); Cipher *cipher=f.cipher(); // copy before delete
            f.del(); del(); // this might trigger 'flush' however it's better to do it in case something fails below

            Bool ok=FRename(temp_name, name);
            open(name, cipher); // if ok then this opens optimized, if failed then re-open old
            if(ok)return true; // on fail goto error
         f.del(); FDelFile(temp_name);
      return false;

  ~SPakMap() {flush();}