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  Thread: Mac Snow Leopard Editor Constantly Crashing
Post: RE: Mac Snow Leopard Editor Constantly Crashing

Might be because the new editor runs on 32 bit instead of 64 like the last one.
Solo Platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS) 11 10,248 02-10-2011, 01:27 AM
  Thread: ID Tech 4 (GNU General Public License)
Post: ID Tech 4 (GNU General Public License)

Rumour is that ID tech 4 source code is going to be released later this year, curious to know if Esenthel plans to use of that source code in esenthel engine?
Solo Offtopic 1 3,950 02-10-2011, 01:25 AM
  Thread: New Tools Videos
Post: RE: New Tools Videos

How would you add gibbs to the orc? (say you want to be able to shoot his leg off) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DF9hogW8v...re=related
Solo News 4 7,475 12-29-2010, 09:18 PM
  Thread: Noob Modelling Question
Post: Noob Modelling Question

Esenthel supports physX & bullet, both of which have plug-ins for Maya. Esenthel supports .dae animations & meshes which you can export from Maya. From my understanding of the physics engine...
Solo Offtopic 2 4,299 12-23-2010, 11:48 PM
  Thread: Esenthel promotional video
Post: RE: Esenthel promotional video

This video is really cool, nice job Joacorock. One question about the "Great performance with hundred of characters", I noticed the were all the same character all moving in sync. What happens when th...
Solo Offtopic 8 9,610 12-17-2010, 08:25 PM
  Thread: Modo 501 support?
Post: RE: Modo 501 support?

You can save as .dae or .obj from modo which EE supports, this answers my first question. Can some body answer my other questions about the quality of the model once you import it into EE? For the Sp...
Solo Offtopic 3 5,072 12-16-2010, 11:39 PM
  Thread: Modo 501 support?
Post: Modo 501 support?

Does anyone know if esenthel supports .lxo files from modo? If so, would there be any loss in texture quality if 3d model is imported from modo? e.g. Lets say I want to import 3d grass, will it look ...
Solo Offtopic 3 5,072 12-16-2010, 10:18 PM
  Thread: December updates
Post: RE: December updates

Those are some very good ideas Chris, I think its a good idea to bounce ideas off other engines to improve make essenthel better. Not trying to change the topic, but does any one use modo or tried the...
Solo Offtopic 52 44,374 12-16-2010, 07:58 PM
  Thread: December updates
Post: RE: December updates

Will there be a new editor for mac osx?
Solo Offtopic 52 44,374 12-14-2010, 11:08 PM
  Thread: Advanced Editor & Combat
Post: RE: Advanced Editor & Combat

The character ragdoll is part of it, I was also referring to the fluidity of the movement. I noticed in some EE youtube videos that the combat movement is very stagnant. Is this because of the animati...
Solo Feature Requests 5 6,862 11-19-2010, 08:49 PM
  Thread: Advanced Editor & Combat
Post: RE: Advanced Editor & Combat

(11-18-2010 07:04 PM)runewake2 Wrote:  I think you can already do the ragdolls if you mess with blending and sweep collisions. It would just take some work on your part. Would you need full sou...
Solo Feature Requests 5 6,862 11-18-2010, 09:34 PM
  Thread: Advanced Editor & Combat
Post: Advanced Editor & Combat

Hey what do you think about this for an improved in-game editor? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPdq1r-F5...6&index=43 and something like this for improved physics collisions/ragdoll combat? http:/...
Solo Feature Requests 5 6,862 11-17-2010, 11:17 PM
  Thread: Noob Question about C++
Post: RE: Noob Question about C++

(11-17-2010 02:30 AM)joacorock Wrote:  And for the models, you can use Blender and, you can make any kind of models, you are not limted because of Mac Lets say I want to import a 3d model from ...
Solo Offtopic 6 6,746 11-17-2010, 03:43 AM
  Thread: Noob Question about C++
Post: RE: Noob Question about C++

(11-17-2010 02:30 AM)joacorock Wrote:  As esenthel told me, the code is completly cross platform, so if you use esenthel functions you can use the code for windows and mac osx I got this exampl...
Solo Offtopic 6 6,746 11-17-2010, 02:35 AM
  Thread: Noob Question about C++
Post: Noob Question about C++

I am considering getting Esenthel Engine, however I am not sure whether I want to develop on Mac OSX or Windows. Esenthel Engine SDK for Windows requires Microsoft Visual C++ 2008, and the mac osx r...
Solo Offtopic 6 6,746 11-17-2010, 02:01 AM