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  Thread: Code Editor : Good and Bad
Post: RE: Code Editor : Good and Bad

umm...i thought it was like managing imports of java, Netbeans has a similar feature. When the IDE encounters this kind of error, the suggestion list contains auto Import/auto include feature. You can...
iamcreasy Support 20 18,655 03-28-2011, 04:29 PM
  Thread: Code Editor : Good and Bad
Post: RE: Code Editor : Good and Bad

Ok rather then arguing who should use it, and how people will be benefited from is, and how it is going to impact the noob programmers...isn't it easier to automatize the whole process. Say, when you...
iamcreasy Support 20 18,655 03-28-2011, 11:14 AM
  Thread: Code Editor : Good and Bad
Post: RE: Code Editor : Good and Bad

About transitioning, rather then going for a hybrid approach, isn't is better to adapt with the new environment/tradition? That's how someone learn a new thing. And the nuances is what exactly makes ...
iamcreasy Support 20 18,655 03-27-2011, 10:05 PM
  Thread: Code Editor : Good and Bad
Post: RE: Code Editor : Good and Bad

But, isn't the EE is based on C++ and shouldn't it focus on c++ traditions? Many people come to EE, knowing it as a C++ Game engine. Anyway, that was just my point of view.
iamcreasy Support 20 18,655 03-27-2011, 09:20 PM
  Thread: Code Editor : Good and Bad
Post: Code Editor : Good and Bad

@Esenthel I have just seen the video demonstration of Esenthel. Its impressive no doubt about that, but don't you think it is going to break the tradition of traditional C++ programming. Like initia...
iamcreasy Support 20 18,655 03-27-2011, 08:41 PM
  Thread: Well Howdy!
Post: RE: Well Howdy!

Welcome to the community :)
iamcreasy Say Hello 3 5,110 03-14-2011, 09:46 PM
  Thread: Esenthel.Net
Post: RE: Esenthel.Net

iamcreasy Showcase 42 49,698 06-26-2010, 06:25 PM
  Thread: FIFA World Cup 2010 - South Africa
Post: RE: FIFA World Cup 2010 - South Africa

i vote for Argentina. :D i love the way they play...
iamcreasy Offtopic 22 18,759 06-15-2010, 12:43 PM
  Thread: Error spawning 'rc.exe'
Post: Error spawning 'rc.exe'

When i try to run my program,this error occurs.. "Project : error PRJ0003 : Error spawning 'rc.exe'." I tried by rebuilding.But no change. How to solve this problem.
iamcreasy Support 1 5,241 06-09-2010, 06:08 AM
  Thread: Destructible Objects
Post: RE: Destructible Objects

i hope Esenthel can give us some info about, how he is gonna develop the whole destruction system?
iamcreasy News 19 21,368 06-04-2010, 11:13 AM
  Thread: Head Orientation
Post: RE: Head Orientation

yeh..it worked.:)[/align] I actually needed that.Because, when your character is standing still and you are looking at different direction with mouse, then you may want to move it's head independentl...
iamcreasy Support 12 11,861 06-04-2010, 07:10 AM
  Thread: Head Orientation
Post: RE: Head Orientation

(06-04-2010 04:56 AM)Driklyn Wrote:  To this: Code: cskel.clear();     cskel.animate(L"obj/chr/dino/walk_forward.anim", Time.time()); Orient &head=cskel.getBone("head")...
iamcreasy Support 12 11,861 06-04-2010, 05:50 AM
  Thread: Head Orientation
Post: RE: Head Orientation

Code: cskel.clear();     Orient &head=cskel.getBone("head").orn;                 head*=Matrix3...
iamcreasy Support 12 11,861 06-03-2010, 03:11 PM
  Thread: Head Orientation
Post: RE: Head Orientation

(06-02-2010 06:24 PM)Driklyn Wrote:  You need to add this line: Code: cskel.updateMatrix(MatrixIdentity).updateVelocities(); According to tutorial, updateVelocities()'s use is "this is neede...
iamcreasy Support 12 11,861 06-03-2010, 07:39 AM
  Thread: Head Orientation
Post: RE: Head Orientation

Can you please tell me how do I orient the head manually? just like the code in the picture or posted before.
iamcreasy Support 12 11,861 06-02-2010, 10:58 AM
  Thread: Head Orientation
Post: RE: Head Orientation

So, i dont need to think about that green arrow while trying to custom animate the head...ok but how do I do it? Does every bone has a local rotation axis?Is the straight line shows Y axis?
iamcreasy Support 12 11,861 06-01-2010, 07:37 AM
  Thread: Head Orientation
Post: Head Orientation

I have made a model with a skeleton . Code:     Orient &head = cskel.getBone("head").orn;     head*=Matrix3().setRotateZ(Sin(Time.time()*1.5)); I am tryin...
iamcreasy Support 12 11,861 05-31-2010, 10:18 PM
  Thread: Custom Character Control
Post: Custom Character Control

In the Character Tutorials(that comes with EE), it is always assumed that I am going to import a particular mesh(human) with some particular bones(head, body etc etc). So, what do I have to do when, ...
iamcreasy Support 1 3,617 05-28-2010, 09:08 PM
  Thread: Mesh Editor -> Engine
Post: RE: Mesh Editor -> Engine

Finally I made it work... The model has to be rescaled and all the rigging and animation has to be redone...then it worked fine. Is there any way to rescale the model without destroying the rigging ...
iamcreasy Support 4 5,601 05-26-2010, 11:48 PM
  Thread: Mesh Editor -> Engine
Post: RE: Mesh Editor -> Engine

:( i forgot to add this line Code: skl.updateMatrix(MatrixIdentity); can anyone explain why without this line the mesh is so distorted. what does "skl.clear();" and "SetMatrix();" mean? I am facin...
iamcreasy Support 4 5,601 05-26-2010, 08:59 PM