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  Thread: koding.com
Post: koding.com

Hi, Since this is projects are often cross-world projects I am wondering if you could write a guide on how to use esenthel on koding.com virtual machine? I really like koding.com for what it deliv...
uNetti Support 0 3,137 07-15-2013, 09:13 AM
  Thread: server port option
Post: server port option

Hi, Just wondering when will we see the ability to change port on Esenthel server? Since code for server is not available, it would be nice if you can make the option. Been waiting for awhile to sup...
uNetti Support 2 3,929 05-12-2013, 11:52 AM
  Thread: Ineisis -Detailed tutorials
Post: RE: Ineisis detailed video tutorials

Another great tutorial, thanks!
uNetti Tutorials 70 58,389 04-28-2013, 11:18 AM
  Thread: Ineisis -Detailed tutorials
Post: RE: Ineisis detailed tutorials

Really appreciate the tip about using LoadEditorWorld, opens up for the ability to copy objects from world a to world b in a very clever way. So far we had taken the slower road which was trying repla...
uNetti Tutorials 70 58,389 04-09-2013, 05:24 PM
  Thread: Ineisis -Detailed tutorials
Post: RE: Ineisis detailed tutorials

Sweet videos, GJ!
uNetti Tutorials 70 58,389 04-09-2013, 03:57 PM
  Thread: Leadwerks Invasion
Post: RE: Leadwerks Invasion

yeah Welcome :)
uNetti Offtopic 77 75,233 04-09-2013, 03:08 PM
  Thread: VS 2012 and resources
Post: VS 2012 and resources

Hi, Just recently switched to VS 2012 Ultimate, and I noticed in v1 editor, if you add a .pak file to project, it gives an error due to resources and I can't compile it in editor. resource.rc: 130 ...
uNetti Support 1 3,527 04-06-2013, 08:22 PM
  Thread: Oculus Rift first impression
Post: RE: Oculus Rift first impression

Can't wait to be able to play with Google Goggles :)
uNetti Hardware 19 21,372 04-06-2013, 04:36 PM
  Thread: Divergence: Esenthel-Powered MMO on IndieGoGo
Post: RE: Divergence: Esenthel-Powered MMO on IndieGoGo

(04-05-2013 08:09 PM)Ozmodian Wrote:  If I get it working, i would be happy to share it with you (assuming that does not violate any of the terms I agreed to when i bought the source code). Str...
uNetti Showcase 43 48,731 04-05-2013, 08:37 PM
  Thread: Beginner and Demo
Post: RE: Beginner and Demo

hmm, wasn't the 64 elements limitation only for server connections? Last I used the demo, I could run applications just fine that has more then 64 elements, I just couldn't publish and I got that anno...
uNetti Beginner Questions 10 8,695 04-02-2013, 07:30 PM
  Thread: No Lights Ingame
Post: RE: No Lights Ingame

Cheers, but it was due to Main.cpp needing Game::ObjType = "Enum/obj_type.enum";
uNetti Support 8 8,018 04-01-2013, 08:24 PM
  Thread: Game::World.update and ocean
Post: RE: Game::World.update and ocean

(03-30-2013 06:28 PM)Dwight Wrote:  On Update() the default value gets restored if you do not manually overwrite the default value of the header, if I am not mistaken. Cheers.
uNetti Support 5 7,061 03-31-2013, 12:32 AM
  Thread: Doxygen support
Post: RE: Doxygen support

Why not click the open in visual studio (Default:F8)? It should be possible to run doxygen on Esenthel 2.0\Projects\_Build_\yourproject?
uNetti Feature Requests 13 11,934 03-30-2013, 04:04 PM
  Thread: No Lights Ingame
Post: RE: No Lights Ingame

This doesn't seam to work anymore with SDK 22? What has changed in this regard?
uNetti Support 8 8,018 03-30-2013, 03:13 PM
  Thread: Game::World.update and ocean
Post: RE: Game::World.update and ocean

I am sorry, but what does this have to do with Water.plane.set(Vec(0,-300,0),Vec(0,1,0)); getting its values reset when you call Game::World.update()? I have absolutely no idea what the reply you jus...
uNetti Support 5 7,061 03-30-2013, 02:01 PM
  Thread: Esenthel 2.0 ocean and update
Post: RE: Esenthel 2.0 ocean and update

(03-30-2013 12:43 PM)andreim44 Wrote:  while this code worked very well for me, I got an ocean with almost black kind of water. How do I make it be the water material I'm using for rivers and la...
uNetti Beginner Questions 11 10,936 03-30-2013, 01:57 PM
  Thread: Game::World.update and ocean
Post: Game::World.update and ocean

Soo, I was playing around with Game::World.update(0,0,0); and I noticed it changes the level of the ocean, if you have previously set ocean with: Water.plane.set(Vec(0,-300,0),Vec(0,1,0)); Then calli...
uNetti Support 5 7,061 03-29-2013, 09:59 PM
  Thread: EnvironmentOptions dont exist anymore
Post: RE: EnvironmentOptions dont exist anymore

So... just to ask again. I am working with porting some code that uses EnvironmentOptions, how exactly do I re-implement this src.rar? I noticed some projects have injected this again, just want to k...
uNetti Support 16 17,210 03-28-2013, 07:23 AM
  Thread: Esenthel 2.0 ocean and update
Post: RE: Esenthel 2.0 ocean and update

Editor V1: Code: Ocean {    Level                    = "-330"    ... } No code...
uNetti Beginner Questions 11 10,936 03-28-2013, 12:35 AM
  Thread: Esenthel 2.0 ocean and update
Post: RE: Esenthel 2.0 ocean and update

So how exactly do you set Water level? In some old code the water was set to -330. Now if I start putting minus numbers in Water.plane.set(), it reserves the ocean upside down and follows your charac...
uNetti Beginner Questions 11 10,936 03-27-2013, 07:34 AM