Thanks! Works like charm.
Will this flag tremendously increace memory usage, like twice (8-bit per colour to 16)? I've tested just sky/horizon and two suns rendering with Process Explorer and didn't find memory increace or leak neither in private bytes, nor in working set. Why can It be so, twice bit increace, no memory increace?
Also, if you don't mind, one more question about horizon stripes.
While my suns are below horizon line (world's zero-Y plane) I always get kind of God rays from below of terrain. Besides its source seems awkward, it also produce additional stripes, even with
Sunrise at 8.44 a.m., so this rays are definately from sun's light source
under world's surface.
Also terrain is flat plane, no hills or downs.
Main sun's position is (-0.08, -0.73, -0.66), so it's definately deep below horizon.