kinda the same with me...
i just love programming, and when i first get started with a project, i get so excitet about learning more about it...
game making was actually what got me into programming at first! i realised that if i wanted to make a game i would get around programming, so i started learning

taught me the basics, and later on i started on C++, which i made apps in, for a while, untill i saw Esenthel Engine and thaught i would check it out
anyway, my point is that people proberly should make some "hello world" stuff, and basic apps before they start doing something like this.
you cant teach ppl, basic C++ and how to use the engine on the same time

if ppl dont understand something, they should go and make some basic stuff, and then come back when they understands it
thats what i do, when i find something i dont understand (which actually happens quite often -.-')
anyway, great tutorial

nice for beginners to get a sorta detailed explanation, about the different functions, when they are called, and what you should put in there!
i really like this whole wiki project, and would really like to contribute, but i dont really know what to make a tutorial about

any ideas? anything you think i could help with?