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Building + running 2 applications
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Marko Offline

Post: #1
Building + running 2 applications
Hi, started using the engine recently and its pretty awesome!

I have a question, is there a way to build + run 2 applications one after another instead of manually selecting each then building/running. Was looking trough editor interface and couldn't find such options. Its a small inconvenience, but was wondering if theres an option for that.
12-23-2024 04:52 PM
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Esenthel Offline

Post: #2
RE: Building + running 2 applications
Hi and thanks
Bool activeApp(C UID &elm_id ); // set active application of 'elm_id' ELM_APP element in the project, false on fail
12-24-2024 05:20 AM
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Fex Offline
Gold Supporter

Post: #3
RE: Building + running 2 applications
You would need to change the editor source code and add it, as I did something similar:

12-24-2024 05:21 AM
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Marko Offline

Post: #4
RE: Building + running 2 applications
I see, thanks.
12-24-2024 01:29 PM
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