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rotation for particle
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Rabishan Offline

Post: #1
rotation for particle


i have designed a particle similar to the image above. i have defined its source as a point. now if i use this particle i can easily use it in the vertical axis i.e. perpendicular to ground. but i want to use it in horizontal axis. i.e parallel to ground. i've searched for functions to do this. but i'm unable to find one. is there any easier means to do this.

thanks in advance
07-31-2011 01:08 PM
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dylantan Offline

Post: #2
RE: rotation for particle
Anyone has any idea about this? Please help us smile

Also I would like to ask if anyone has any idea about making Stomping with Dust Effects like the video below:

and the below for explosion

Any tips would be greatly appreciated. We managed to make a small explosion but nothing as good as the video above. Please guys, we would really appreciate it if you could help us out wink
(This post was last modified: 08-01-2011 01:52 PM by dylantan.)
08-01-2011 01:17 PM
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Zervox Offline
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Post: #3
RE: rotation for particle
spawn particles at animEventOccured(Don't remember the exact name) which you make events inside your run animation each time the foot stomps, and the decal at EventOccured(between the steps) shoot decal straight down using physic.ray ? Can't really say it looks that advanced. you are licensed so you can look at the fireball spell in RPG2 where you can use ball physics on it and remove the destroy on collision code this way I believe it will follow the ground and continue moving from "x" pos

about the explosion framework, that was made in a few months under the unity summer code I believe? that is certainly possible but be prepared to use some time at it pfft
(This post was last modified: 08-01-2011 05:27 PM by Zervox.)
08-01-2011 05:26 PM
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dylantan Offline

Post: #4
RE: rotation for particle
Yet again thank you Zerrvox. You are awesome and thank you for the reply. Yeah the Explosion framework was made for unity for a few months, but what I meant was how can we get similar effect in term of the explosion, and smoke under Particle Editor pfft

Again thank you. We surely will look at your advice and follow suit and see if it can produce the result smile
08-02-2011 01:46 AM
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Zervox Offline
Bronze Supporter

Post: #5
RE: rotation for particle
I don't know if you can do this in the particle editor, you could possible write a C++ explosion framework but this will need some planning/designing, from what I know the explosion framework is using multiple emitters based on the tweaks on the window,

to me it looks like smoke particle emitters are activated x time behind the explosion, the explosion is really just a particle cluster in which I believe a sphere emitter could be used, the rings looks like decals which gets scaled from the center of that sphere creating a vertical scaling, the other shockwave might be the same, however you could use a ring/circle emitter shape and scale it after explosion, that way the shockwave will have volume.

-explosion = ball emitter / point emitter with large particle scale
- smoke = line, cone emitter in random direction(could use physic object and launch them upwards on a slow velocity and let gravity make the falling effect of debris.
- shockwave either 2D decal rings or you could use /ring/circle emitter shape and scale it in the xz axis only or even use a lerp on the y axis to make it look thinner at the beginning because of the speed it gets moved at start and then over time, scale it bigger to create a wall, this could be a tip for creating a wall of fire being blown with the shockwave.

you could do a radius check on end of explosion(if it is random in size) to check the final size of what the shock wave is and use a sphere volume check, if physic objects are inside the sphere shape send the object velocity push using lerp, eg the object closer to the center will get a higher force to blast them away from the center.

easiest to do so would at the beginning to have random size of how much things will scale
explosionscale = randomf(8,32);
shockwavescale = randomf(16,128);
    give force from center (lerp value)

This reminds me when I was starting with Esenthel starting with programming for the first time(trying to learn properly) and playing with the fireball object with guided fireballs and making fireballs rotate around me like a shield. pfft
(This post was last modified: 08-02-2011 03:10 AM by Zervox.)
08-02-2011 03:02 AM
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dylantan Offline

Post: #6
RE: rotation for particle
Wow.. i can't thank you enough Zervox. Thank you so much for helping us out. We will check this immediately and see if we could get the effect using your advice and technique smile
08-02-2011 01:07 PM
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Rabishan Offline

Post: #7
RE: rotation for particle
thanks for the advice for the explosion and shockwaves. meanwhile i'm having similar problem with rotation. i really don't know how to explain. but if u look at the images i think u'll understand.





the line particles seem to to rotate with the camera rotation. so is there any way to stay it fixed in the same position.
(This post was last modified: 08-03-2011 09:27 AM by Rabishan.)
08-03-2011 08:59 AM
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dylantan Offline

Post: #8
RE: rotation for particle
This is another headache for us :( Guys, any idea how we could resolve the problem as mentioned by Rabisan? Any advice would be appreciated.
08-04-2011 04:14 AM
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Esenthel Offline

Post: #9
RE: rotation for particle

Particles are always drawn as 2D images.

If you'd like to use custom stretching, please manually setup vertexes using VI - Vertex Index Buffer.

Maybe you'd like to check tutorial "rendering/swing trail effect"
it uses VI for drawing custom 3d triangles

you can setup vertexes basing on Particles :: p particles (use VI instead if Particles::draw)
08-06-2011 01:30 PM
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Rabishan Offline

Post: #10
RE: rotation for particle
thanks for the suggestion. will be trying it out.
08-07-2011 11:17 AM
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