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The Kingdom Of Soul
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Pixel Perfect Offline

Post: #136
RE: The Kingdom Of Soul
Some more video as previously mentioned: Night patrol in the village.

Likely to be my last post for some time as the hard work of extending the AI starts now. I so love this engine though smile

04-27-2014 12:52 AM
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candam Offline

Post: #137
RE: The Kingdom Of Soul
So Awesome video PixelPerfect.

Really awesome progress bro and good luck on your next mission .You're up to it

Nice lights combination , cinematic style really looking forward to see more but for now this is truly inspiring smile
(This post was last modified: 04-27-2014 01:34 AM by candam.)
04-27-2014 01:34 AM
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AndrewBGS Offline

Post: #138
RE: The Kingdom Of Soul
Quite amazing! I love the sound effects, and it looks like a playable game already. Very, very nice work!
04-27-2014 09:14 AM
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Pixel Perfect Offline

Post: #139
RE: The Kingdom Of Soul
Thanks for the encouraging comments guys, feedback is always appreciated smile

It really is a long way off from a game as yet but I keep plugging away at it and adding functionality. It's taken me years to get to the point where I know what I need to do and I now have a clear development path and have been ticking things off, what initially seemed like an exhaustive list, one by one.

As I previously mentioned, I'm likely to go quiet for some time as I now have sufficient in place to really start developing some hopefully challenging and interactive AI to create the immersive environments and game play that my game demands. I also need to devote some time to gain a good understanding of issues effecting performance in terms of the level design, geometry and materials. I'm happy I know what I'm doing performance wise with the code.

The aim is to develop the engine to the point where I can demo it with a playable level. Where it goes from there remains to be seen.

Will of course keep visiting the forums and hope to see more projects getting showcased. I love seeing what other people are doing with Esenthel, I find it inspiring!
04-27-2014 08:35 PM
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rstralberg Offline

Post: #140
RE: The Kingdom Of Soul
Really really great. I do like the calm night. And that dog bark gives so much to the feeling of a calm night.
Great Pixel grin
04-27-2014 09:10 PM
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Pixel Perfect Offline

Post: #141
RE: The Kingdom Of Soul
Thanks Roland. It was fun making it smile
04-30-2014 10:43 AM
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Koniu Offline

Post: #142
RE: The Kingdom Of Soul
Looks really good! When will you publish more than pictures/videos? grin
04-30-2014 11:29 AM
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Pixel Perfect Offline

Post: #143
RE: The Kingdom Of Soul
Thanks KONIU.

The aim is to develop the engine to the point where I can demo it with a playable level. That remains a way off yet, more functionality/AI required and game play developing and testing.
04-30-2014 11:43 AM
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Koniu Offline

Post: #144
RE: The Kingdom Of Soul
Thats good, you shouldn't hurry up with work. Keep developing and tell us when you will have some demo. I'm looking forward to news
04-30-2014 12:26 PM
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Pixel Perfect Offline

Post: #145
RE: The Kingdom Of Soul
Experimenting with vegetation as I need a break from programming.

Lots of compromises with graphics settings to keep the frame rate up.


05-10-2014 03:05 PM
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Koniu Offline

Post: #146
RE: The Kingdom Of Soul
I like it
05-10-2014 04:36 PM
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Pixel Perfect Offline

Post: #147
RE: The Kingdom Of Soul
The last few weeks have seen me do little else other than experiment with the
graphics settings and models in order to gain a good understanding of exactly
what I can expect of this engine performance wise, hopefully without dropping
the visual quality of the game.

It's been quite an adventure but I consider it worth while as I now have a series
of compromises that represent a good balance of graphical quality versus
performance and have learnt a fair bit about optimising models to gain some
performance along the way too.

I'm now happy to go back to programming knowing that I can realise the game
as I envisaged it ... so be it with some careful design constraints.

There is no question that the engine performance would benefit from both Hardware
Instancing and Occlusion Culling but I don't have $2000 spare to push this to the
top of the roadmap so I'm happy to accept the compromises I've reached. This is a
great engine and I have every intention of finishing the project using Esenthel.

Recent screenshot of vegetation in the game:

05-23-2014 09:29 PM
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Rofar Offline

Post: #148
RE: The Kingdom Of Soul
Very nice Pixel. I can only hope to create scenes that look as nice as yours.
05-23-2014 09:40 PM
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Pixel Perfect Offline

Post: #149
RE: The Kingdom Of Soul
Cheers Rofar. I do love level design. Unfortunately I just discovered my code won't run in debug mode any more so I'm currently working my way through the recent changes I've made to see what's caused it ... and cursing under my breath a lot lol
05-27-2014 02:48 PM
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Zervox Offline
Bronze Supporter

Post: #150
RE: The Kingdom Of Soul
won't run as in crashing/stops executing or as in infinitvely slow to load?
05-27-2014 09:17 PM
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