Dear Greg, if you are back to your linux laptop, i'd like to ask you to fix the old bug with EE and intel graphics
(hope you remember that there were shader problems) 
The point is that it seems like i found out what to do. Let me write that here not to necropost to the old theme.
It seems like mesa opengl works badly with
GL_ARB_draw_buffers extension despite the fact that this extension is supported (it can be checked via
glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS) function). So i offer the following piece of code to solve the problem:
if(Contains((CChar8*)glGetString(GL_VERSION), "Mesa"))
for(Char8 *gl=(Char8*)code(); gl=(Char8*)TextPos(gl, "#extension GL_ARB_draw_buffers"); )gl[0]=gl[1]='/';
Which means that if opengl is via Mesa
(with Nvidia it is Nvidia, with Intel it is Mesa, in virtualbox it is Mesa) we comment extension out.
Place it in
ShaderPSGL::create(Bool clean, Str *messages) function right before the following code:
CChar8 *code_ptr=code(); glShaderSource(ps, 1, &code_ptr, NULL); glCompileShader(ps); // compile
It works with Intel graphics, it works even in Virtualbox!
If you rebuild Linux Esenthel installer it will work in Linux without GPU (but with desktop manager of course) and you can delete this task from roadmap
P.S. I confirm it even works with linux+virtualization (kvm).