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Perception Neuron motion capture
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Alexsee Offline

Post: #1
Perception Neuron motion capture
The following might be of interest,


I actually picked-up the 20 neuron package hoping to use in research.
09-11-2014 02:04 AM
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Houge Offline

Post: #2
RE: Perception Neuron motion capture
Only 43 hours to go! Thanks for sharing, i took 20 also smile

I think creating in-game animations for models will be a way easier with this system!
(This post was last modified: 09-11-2014 07:54 AM by Houge.)
09-11-2014 07:26 AM
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Alexsee Offline

Post: #3
RE: Perception Neuron motion capture
Looks that way. I'm engaged in research with Parkinson's patients so hope to bring the technology into the lab.

After the Kickstarter my understanding is that pricing will go up 30-40%
09-11-2014 08:15 AM
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Pixel Perfect Offline

Post: #4
RE: Perception Neuron motion capture
Thanks for the shout! I too have gone for the 20 neuron package.

Should hopefully be at the point where I can really use this come February smile
09-11-2014 03:31 PM
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para Offline

Post: #5
RE: Perception Neuron motion capture
Yeah, I'm familiar with their project and I'm more excited about it then I am/was with any other potential new 'game changer' tech that is comming/has come out (3D glasses, Occulus Rift, kinect, wiimote, etc...). Not that I believe it will redefine things as we know it (nothing beats keyboard+mouse for seriously interacting with computers over long periods of time), but it's usage potential is far bigger then with other products.

I've toyed with the wiimote and kinect for motion capture or as input devices, but have found both to be very lacking in performance/resolution. With wiimote I had a lot of issues with noise and lag, this may be due to the unofficial libs not doing any/enough signal filtering and the bluetooth stack used to connect the wiimote with the pc, coupled with low number of cheap not super precise sensors (1 or 2 with the extension). The kinect sports VGA quality cameras, no need to say anything more.

This one looks like it might finally deliver hardware vise to be precise and robust enough for every day practical use in many types of applications..

Too bad I'm barely making ends meet right now, or else I'd get me a set. I'm glad they god funded, just hope they won't increase their price that much after launch.
09-11-2014 05:34 PM
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Zervox Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Perception Neuron motion capture
Cheap solution to remote controlled robotic projects. smile
(This post was last modified: 09-11-2014 06:02 PM by Zervox.)
09-11-2014 06:01 PM
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Esenthel Offline

Post: #7
RE: Perception Neuron motion capture
That does look cool, but personally I have no use for it though at the moment.
I wonder how will the quality/precision/latency be like in real use. I think they wrote in FAQ that some recordings underwent editing in tools.
09-12-2014 03:09 AM
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Pixel Perfect Offline

Post: #8
RE: Perception Neuron motion capture
(09-12-2014 03:09 AM)Esenthel Wrote:  That does look cool, but personally I have no use for it though at the moment.
I wonder how will the quality/precision/latency be like in real use. I think they wrote in FAQ that some recordings underwent editing in tools.

I believe having to 'clean up' the data is fairly normal with all motion capture technology. As Para stated, its not that this is ground breaking technology more that its cost has been reduced sufficiently to become affordable by the average person.

Clearly if being used for real time control, rather than simply providing data for NPC animations, the inherent quality of the raw data stream becomes a lot more important.

Like most kick starter projects it's not without risk, but I considered it worth the gamble. I'm looking forward to seeing what I can achieve with it.
09-12-2014 08:33 AM
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Zervox Offline
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Post: #9
RE: Perception Neuron motion capture
I would only imagine the data received is alot cleaner than from Kinect and similar approaches and from what I can see of costs wise, not that big a difference either. wink
09-12-2014 08:59 AM
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Pixel Perfect Offline

Post: #10
RE: Perception Neuron motion capture
(09-12-2014 08:59 AM)Zervox Wrote:  I would only imagine the data received is alot cleaner than from Kinect and similar approaches and from what I can see of costs wise, not that big a difference either. wink

I'd agree, I was always tempted to go down the Kinect route but the feedback I'd had was that it wasn't that usable in practice. I was looking at $325 for Kinect For Windows anyway; so the jump to this level of technology for just slightly more makes it very attractive.

Of course, we haven't tried it yet so will have to reserve judgement till then. It's all expectation rather than experience at the moment wink
09-12-2014 09:43 AM
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Pixel Perfect Offline

Post: #11
RE: Perception Neuron motion capture
Yay ... project funded, both stretch goals met and then some! Congrats Tristan and team smile

[Edit] I have been able to import both their raw and cleaned up bvh example files successfully into my animation pipe line. The raw looks pretty clean to be honest, just some slant on the hips and a few other small issues, still looks really good though. Looks like I'm pretty much ready to go once this arrives.

(This post was last modified: 09-14-2014 12:20 AM by Pixel Perfect.)
09-13-2014 10:47 AM
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