[SOLVED] Is RPG2 Source buildable and playable
I noticed that I am not able to build and play "Bloody Massacre" - the only free source-code available in the store. The output states "error, 'base' was not declared in this scope". I assume this is due to me only having a binary license?
If I buy the RPG2 source, should I be able to build and play the code with my binary license?
EDIT: Re-downloaded the Bloody Massacre source and it is now building. Thank you for the quick fix.  I also downloaded the RPG2 source and it is also building.
(This post was last modified: 08-03-2015 07:42 PM by baccenfutter.)
08-02-2015 03:37 PM |
RE: Is RPG2 Source buildable and playable
no you should be able to build and play bloody massacre with a binary license, it might just be outdated since the last patch, prolly will be updated any time soon
08-03-2015 01:07 AM |
RE: Is RPG2 Source buildable and playable
Please redownload the latest version from the store, and make sure your editor is up to date.
08-03-2015 03:46 AM |
RE: [SOLVED] Is RPG2 Source buildable and playable
Re-downloaded the Bloody Massacre source and it is now building. Thank you for the quick fix. smile I also downloaded the RPG2 source and it is also building.
08-03-2015 07:42 PM |