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  • Windows (Classic and UWP)
  • Xbox
  • Mac
  • iOS
  • Android
  • Nintendo Switch™
  • Linux
  • Web

Game Manager

  • Huge Sized Worlds - The only limits are related to floating point precision and what your computer can handle
  • Terrain and Object Manager
    • Multi-Threaded
    • Updating
    • Rendering
    • Serialization
    • Streaming World Data
      • Low Memory Usage
      • In-background - No pauses when travelling through Worlds


  • 2D Pathfinding
  • 3D Navmesh Pathfinding (Recast/Detour Library)


  • Looks and works the same on all Platforms
  • Collaborative Development
    • Real-Time Automatic and in-background Synchronization of all Project Elements (including Worlds) between Team Members
    • Account Management for Team Members (Email, Password, Permissions)
  • Works both Online and Offline
  • Automatic and in-background World Processing
  • Drag and Drop Asset Importing
  • Huge Sized Worlds
  • Automatic World Mini-Map Generation
  • Creating Terrain/Heightmaps
    • Hand Painting
    • Importing from Images
    • Programatic Generation
  • Powerful Game Object Class System
    • Base Objects/Classes with custom Parameters
    • Extending Base Objects with Parameter overriding
  • Project Elements Management
    • Renaming and re-arranging (moving to different folders) does not require making any changes to codes or other resources
    • Removed elements are restorable
  • Auto Publishing
    • Source Code Compilation
    • Game Assets Packaging
    • Data Optimization for Mobile Platforms
    • Data Encryption
    • Data Compression
  • 3D Model Editing
    • Mesh Editor
    • Bones Editor
    • Skinning Editor
    • Animation Editor
  • Programming
    • Based on the fastest and industry-standard language - C++
    • Very Clean and Simple API
    • Works with multiple IDE's
      • Visual Studio (Windows)
      • Xcode (Mac)
      • NetBeans (Linux)
      • Code Editor built-in to the Engine (all Platforms) offering some extra advantages
        • Write code directly in Esenthel Editor
        • Powerful Auto-Complete
        • Headerless Programming (write code just once, without duplicating it to headers)
        • No need for Header Files, Forward Declarations or Class Rearrangement
        • Jump to Definition
        • Find All References
        • View Mode showing only function names and hiding their implementation
        • Integration with Project Assets (3D preview in codes, jump to/open Asset, insert Asset ID with Auto-Complete)
        • many more
  • Editor Network Interface
    • Sending Commands to the Editor from custom made Applications
    • Programatic access to Project Elements
    • Programatic access to World Terrain and Objects


Perfect for both 2D and 3D.


  • DirectX 10, 10.1, 11 (Shader Model 4, 4.1, 5)
  • Open GL
  • Open GL ES
  • Web GL


  • Deferred
  • Forward


  • Physically Based Rendering (PBR)
  • Gamma Correct Rendering
  • Diffuse Shading
    • Lambert
    • Oren–Nayar
    • Burley/Disney
  • Bump Mapping
    • Flat
    • Normal
    • Parallax
    • Relief
  • Ambient Occlusion
  • Fully Dynamic Lighting
    • Directional
    • Point (with realistic and small attenuation)
    • Cone
    • Volumetric
  • Shadow Mapping
    • Cascaded Shadow Maps (1-6 maps)
    • Soft Shadows
    • Shadow Jittering
  • Motion Blur
  • Depth of Field
  • Bloom
  • Glow
  • Sun with Sun Rays (God Rays)
  • Sky (Atmospheric or Skybox)
  • Tesselation
  • Decals
  • Clouds
  • Edge Detection
  • High Precision (64-bit) Rendering
  • High Dynamic Range (HDR) Eye Adaptation
  • Tone Mapping
  • Contrast
  • Water (Ocean, Lake, Rivers) Rendering with real-time reflections
  • Fur Rendering
  • Fog (Global and Local)
  • 3D Model Highlighting and Outlining
  • Cel-Shading
  • 3D Holographic Images
  • Sharpening
  • Particles
    • Soft Particles
    • Motion Stretching
    • Animated Source Images
    • Custom Emitters
      • Geometry Shapes
      • 3D Models
      • Animated Skeletons
  • Color Management (sRGB, Display P3)
  • Gamma Control (Screen Brightness)
  • Screen Color Transformations
  • Virtual Reality - Stereoscopic Rendering
    • OpenVR SDK - HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and OSVR HDK Devices
  • Rendering with 64-bit (double precision) for Matrix positions to support huge Worlds/Scenes
  • Windowed and Fullscreen
  • Custom Viewports
  • Taking Screenshots
  • Screen Synchronization
  • Dithering
  • Screen Aspect Ratio Control
  • Vertex Buffering for Simple Graphics (Images, Gui Objects, Geometry Shapes, ..)


  • None (Nearest)
  • Linear
  • Cubic
  • Cubic+
  • AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR/EASU)
  • Temporal Super-Resolution (TSR)


  • Multi-Sampling (MSAA)
  • Super-Sampling (SSAA)
  • Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing (FXAA)
  • Subpixel Morphological Anti-Aliasing (SMAA)
  • Temporal Anti-Aliasing (TAA)

Texture Compression

  • S3
    • BC1/DXT1
    • BC2/DXT3
    • BC3/DXT5
    • BC4
    • BC5
    • BC6
    • BC7
  • Ericsson
    • ETC1
    • ETC2/EAC
  • PowerVR
    • PVRTC 2-bit
    • PVRTC 4-bit

Importing Textures

  • BMP
  • PNG
  • JPG
  • JPG XL
  • WEBP
  • AVIF
  • TGA
  • TIF
  • DDS
  • PSD
  • ICO

Texture Modes

  • Software
  • 2D
  • 3D
  • Cubemap (Skybox)

Material Texture Types

  • Color
  • Alpha/Opacity
  • Bump/Height
  • Normal
  • Smoothness/Roughness/Gloss
  • Metallic/Reflectivity
  • Glow
  • Emissive
  • Detail
    • Color
    • Normal
    • Smoothness/Roughness/Gloss

Image Processing

  • Get/Set Pixel
  • Gather
  • Resize/Stretch (Nearest, Linear, Cubic, Cubic+, Waifu2x)
  • Crop
  • Blur/Average
  • Mirror
  • Scale/Add Colors
  • Sharpen
  • Noise
  • Statistics


  • Automatic Font Generation
  • Unicode (Asian Characters)
  • Custom Color, Size, Shadow and Aligning
  • Hardware drawing to screen and software drawing to Image
  • Emojis

Importing 3D Models

  • FBX - Autodesk Filmbox
  • DAE - Collada
  • OBJ - Wavefront
  • 3DS - 3D Studio Max
  • B3D - BlitzMax
  • MS3D - MilkShape 3D
  • PSK PSA - Unreal Engine
  • BVH - Biovision Motion Capture
  • ASE - ASCII Scene Export

Animation System

  • Skeletal based
  • Up to 256 Bones
  • Multiple Animation Blending
  • Root Motion
  • Animation Events
  • Item Slots
  • Animation Optimization
    • Removal of Redundant Keyframes
    • Level of Detail (LOD) - Animating fewer Bones
  • Keyframes
    • Target Orientation
    • Relative Rotation
    • Position Offset
    • Scale Factor


  • Block Based Meshes
    • Ambient Occlusion calculation
  • Terrain Heightmap Meshes
    • Ambient Occlusion calculation
    • Up to 4 Materials Blending per Triangle
  • Optimization
    • Vertex Cache
    • Simplification (Vertex/Triangle Reduction)
    • Level of Detail (LOD) Generation
  • Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG)
  • Triangulation
  • Dynamic Mesh Generation



  • Nvidia PhysX
  • Bullet


  • Multi-Threaded
  • Dynamic, Kinematic and Static Actors
    • Plane
    • Box
    • Ball
    • Capsule
    • Tube
    • Convex Mesh
    • Triangle Mesh
  • Joints
    • Fixed
    • Hinge
    • Spherical
    • Sliding
    • Distance
    • Breakable
  • Ragdolls
  • Character Controllers
  • Vehicles/Cars
  • Destructible Objects
  • Triggers
  • Ray, Sweep and Overlap tests


Looks and works the same on all Platforms.

Fully customizable and extendable.

Gui Objects

  • Button
  • CheckBox
  • ComboBox
  • Context Menu
  • Desktop
  • Custom Element
  • Image
  • List
  • Menu
  • ProgressBar
  • Region
  • SlideBar
  • Slider
  • Tabs
  • Text
  • TextBox
  • TextLine
  • Viewport
  • Window
  • Window IO (File/Directory selection)



  • Headless (can run without a GPU on board - for Servers)
  • Data Compression
  • Data Interpolators
  • MAC Address Detection
  • Local/Global IP Detection
  • Sending E-mails


  • HTTP/HTTPS (SSL/TLS) - Downloading/Uploading files
  • IPv4/IPv6
  • Low Level TCP/UDP Sockets
  • High Level Connection/Server


  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite

Online Stores

  • Steam - In-App Purchases and Subscriptions, Friends, Cloud Saves
  • Xbox Live - Friends, Cloud Saves, Achievements
  • Windows Store - In-App Purchases
  • Apple Store - In-App Purchases
  • Google Play - In-App Billing
  • Esenthel Store Integration


  • AdMob support
  • Chartboost support

Facebook Integration

  • Getting User ID, Name and Email
  • Getting List of Friends
  • Downloading User Profile Photos
  • Making Posts

MMO Capable - Tutorials available

  • Client, Server and Launcher applications
  • Account Creation/Removal
  • Character Creation/Removal
  • Log in/Log out
  • Awareness of Nearby Players
  • Chat
  • Inventory



  • Direct Sound
  • XAudio
  • Open AL
  • Open SL

Supported Formats

  • WAV
  • FLAC
  • OGG Vorbis
  • OGG Opus
  • WEBM Vorbis
  • WEBM Opus
  • MP3
  • MP4/M4A AAC

Music and Ambient System

  • Automatically plays songs from provided lists or a custom callback
  • Continuous or Random/Shuffle Playback
  • Crossfade


  • 1D and 3D Positioning (Surround System)
  • Playing Dynamically Generated Sounds
  • Capturing Audio (Microphone Recording)
  • Voice Chat
  • Resampling
  • Spectrometer
  • Custom Volume for different Sound Groups
    • Sound Effect
    • Music
    • Ambient
    • Voice
    • UI
    • Global


Game Updating/Patching

  • Uploader Tool for uploading Game Patches
    • Only new/modified files are uploaded
    • Data Encryption
    • Data Compression
  • Patcher Class for downloading Game Patches

Input Devices and Sensors

  • Keyboard
    • Asian Characters Input (Windows IME)
    • Keyboard Layout Detection (QWERTY/AZERTY/..)
  • Mouse
    • Setting custom Mouse Cursor
    • Clipping Mouse Position to a custom Rectangle
  • Joypads
    • Vibrations/Force-Feedback
    • Xbox Controllers
    • Samsung Gamepad Controller
  • Touch Screen
  • Accelerometer
  • Gyroscope
  • Magnetometer
  • Orientation
  • GPS

File Management

  • File Classes
    • Binary
    • Text
    • Xml
    • Chunked
  • Encodings
    • ANSI
    • UTF-8
    • UTF-16
  • Data Encryption
  • Data Compression
  • Packaging Files to PAK Archives (Creating New and Updating Existing)
  • Decompressing ZIP Archives
  • Basic IO Operations - Iterating/Creating/Deleting/Recycling/Copying/Moving/Accessing of Files and Folders

Memory Management

  • Memory Leaks Detection
  • Memory Status (Usage, Available)
  • Memory Containers (with out-of-bounds checks in Debug mode)
    • Simple Continuous (uses least amount of memory possible)
    • Dynamic Continuous (default)
    • Blocked (fast for frequent adding of new elements)
    • Blocked Extended (preserves memory address of all elements)
    • Temporary (avoids dynamic memory allocation)
    • List
    • Cache (for loading Assets, with Automatic Reference Counting for small memory usage)
    • Map (fast Element access based on its Key)
    • Grid (stores Data in Cells of a 2D map)
  • Sorting, Randomizing, Rotating of Element Order
  • Data Encryption
    • 3 fast and secure permutation based ciphers with 8/16/24 bit periods (seekable/with random access)
    • AES
  • Data Compression
    • RLE
    • Snappy
    • LZ4
    • ZLIB
    • ZSTD
    • LZHAM
    • LZMA
  • Hash Calculation
    • CRC32
    • xxHash
    • SpookyHash
    • MetroHash
    • MD5
    • SHA1
    • SHA2-256

Text Strings

  • 8-bit and 16-bit (Unicode) String Classes
  • String Functions - Case Up/Down, Set, Append, Get Length, Compare, Equal, Starts/Ends with, Contains, Replace, Split, Get Extension, Not Extension, Path, Base Name, Start, Not Start, Relative Path, Normalize Path
  • Text <-> Number Conversion
  • String Library - Storing frequently occurring Strings with least amount of bytes possible

Application State Manager

  • Intro, Menu, Game states and similar
  • Initialize, Update, Draw, Shut Down
  • Smooth Fade between States

Video Playback

  • VP9 Codec
  • Theora Codec


  • Application Time
  • Frame Time
  • Frames Per Second
  • Dynamic Game Speed adjustment for "Slow Motion" effects (with automatic Sound speed adjustments)

Complete Math Library

  • Math Functions - Minimum, Maximum, Average, Abs, Saturate, Sign, Trunc, Round, Ceil, Floor, Frac, Align, Sqr, Cube, Quart, Quint, Sqrt, Cbrt, Pow, Ln, Log2, Cos, Sin, CosSin, Tan, CTan, ACos, ASin, ATan, Angle, Linear Interpolation, Hermite Interpolation, Power Interpolation, 4-Values Interpolation, Equation solving of 0th, 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree, Simultaneous Equation Solving
  • Vector Classes (2D/3D/4D, Integer/Float/Double) - Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Change Sign, Abs, Minimum Component, Maximum Component, Minimum Index, Maximum Index, Normalize, Length, Squared Length, Set Length, Dot Product, Cross Product, Perpendicular, Comparing, Epsilon Comparing, Matrix Transforming
  • Matrix Classes (3x3/4x3/4x4, Float/Double/Mixed) - Moving, Scaling, Rotating, Multiplying, Inversing, Normalizing, Mirroring, Calculating Angle and Axis of Rotation
  • Quaternion Classes
  • Geometry Shapes (Plane, Point 2D/3D, Edge 2D/3D, Triangle 2D/3D, Quad 2D/3D, Rectangle, Box, Oriented Box, Circle, Sphere, Capsule, Tube, Torus, Cone, Pyramid) - Calculating of Surface Area, Volume, Distance Between, Transforming (Moving, Rotating, Scaling, Transforming by Matrix), Basic Collision Detection, Drawing, Projecting 3D shapes to on-screen 2D shapes, Frustum Culling
  • High Precision (512-bit) Numbers - Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Mod, Square, Square Root
  • Random Value Generator - Integers, Floats, Vectors, Directions and Points (with uniform distribution) both inside or on surface of Geometry Shapes
  • Noise Generator - Perlin/Simplex, 1D/2D/3D/4D
  • Calculator Functionality - Calculating values from Text Strings

Thread Management

  • Threads
  • Synchronization Locks
  • Synchronization Events
  • Read/Write Locks
  • Executing Processes with their STDIO Output Readback


  • Unique ID (UID) generation
  • CPU Detection
  • Log File support
  • Push Notifications
  • Date and Time Classes
  • DLL support (from both Files and Memory)
  • System Screen Capture
  • System Language Detection
  • System Clipboard support
  • System Drag and Drop File support
  • System Windows Management
  • System Paths Detection
  • Windows Registry Access
  • Process Management
  • Preventing Device from going to Sleep

Feature availability depends on platform and device capabilities.
Nintendo Switch is a trademark of Nintendo.

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