I'm looking for some helpful tutorials on creating objects in Maya. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I am interested in learning about skeletons, UV mapping and some of the inner functions of Maya.
I have noticed that their has been plenty of stunning work done on the forum and am interested how you learned how to do what you do. If their are any videos, PDF's or online tutorials that you know of I would be greatful if you could point them out to me.
I am attempting to create a simple walk-around game for concept. At the moment the game is planned to be based in an arena. This arena will have a few random buildings in it and be mostly static objects. A simple sand floor with a few rocks placed around it. Sort of like this:
I also want to create a simple bi-ped rig that I animate as the character with a jump, double-jump, run, walk, idle, straff etc. animations. The problem is that I have done very little modeling and what I have done has had huge excess of polygons. Additionally I have had trouble with UV mapping.
Are their any good tutorials for getting started with this kind of stuff?