Haven't done much programming. I've been having a hard time finding programmers who are serious about it and willing to put in the time and work. The videos is all just the art right now. I only have one programmer who works a lot so he can't get everything done that needs to be done. I'm trying to find more programmers. I have an game client but the environment settings, ocean, and custom particles aren't programmed into it yet.
I'd offer to help but first I'm busy (college is expensive) and I don't really know if I would be that much of a help. My programming experience is not very high in C++. If you still need someone in a year then maybe I could be of some help.
We've got a new video to show. We still have lots to work on and iron out but here is what we have so far. I will be posting another, longer video soon.
We won't be using these player characters. They are just placards. We are going to be using our own player characters and their animations will match more precisely
For now we sort of cheated with our ants to be honest. We were nearing our deadline to submit to Microsoft Kinect Accelerator and Game Connection America so for now the ants don't actually attack. They just move along waypoint paths and we implimented some basic AI to make them run to a player and follow the player when in a specific range. The player can do damage to the ants but we haven't implemented death yet.
We limited what we did concerning functionality because everything is on the client side right now. We didn't have enough time to integrate Raknet before our deadline so we had no choice but to do it this way. We will be making changes once we get Raknet integrated. We are getting ready to enter our next phase of development in which the first step is to finish integrating Raknet. Second is to migrate things from client side to server side. I'll keep some updates as to how it goes.
@TBJokers once we get a more indepth monster system implemented with Raknet I'll PM you with how we do it
Here is another video that is longer and more detailed: