I am trying to set up a respawn for monsters, and I was wondering how would the best way be?
right now I have the system that sets a flt and then counts down with time.d(), but it wont cause my respawn().
heres my code that causes a mobs death. so far ragdollenable works because i see the monster fall down and no longer attack, i have living set to 0 and used as a condition for the monster to attack and run after you. deletemob is the factor and the number is supposed to equal seconds. plr.attackedmob is a flt which determines if the player attacked this monster, and causes the player to gain experience based on the monster's defense and health. I have a condition set so it calls my level up process. everything in die() works as far as I know.:
void AI::die()
Player &plr = Players[i];
living = 0;
deletemob = 10;
{ plr.attackedmob = 0;
experience = (maxhealth+defense) - plr.attackdmg;
plr.experience+= experience;
if(plr.experience >= plr.nextlevel)
then the timer to cause respawn() in AI::update(). This is where Im having the problem, I feel like the timer isnt working appropriately, not counting down and causing respawn()
if(Time.curTime() - deletemob >= 1)
deletemob = Time.curTime() - deletemob;
if(deletemob <= 0)
and finally the respawn code, which moves the ragdoll and disables the ragdoll so the monster can resume AI commands.
void AI::respawn()
living = 1;
health = maxhealth;
if headers are a concern here are the definitions:
flt experience;
flt maxhealth;
flt deletemob;
flt defense,
Vec ctrl_pos;
void respawn();
Should the void be virtual?
WOOPS!? lol I seemed to have fixed it
I set a flt pointintime then when it calls die() it sets pointintime=Time.CurTime()
then i have a code which causes the accurate timer
if(living == 0)
{if(Time.curTime() - pointintime >= 20)
pointintime = 0;
so all is fixed, the mob respawns at 20 seconds after death. Just need to know how to delete the mob or make it disappear after a few seconds so it doesnt look like it just moved.
I can keep the coding as is, but id like to make the monster disappear if anyone can help me with a code like that... Im thinking it may be comprised of changing its pos to (0,1000000000000,0) to make people never able to see it. hmmm... another issue resolved prematurely i suppose until the next issue. I hope this helps someone.