Scaling objects and LOD Issues (Bug or Works as Intended?)
Scaling an object also scales it's LOD draw ranges, which I am not certain is the intended way it should work (I'm not 100% positive tho so correct me if I am wrong.)
Basically, example scenarios:
I have a 1 meter tall mushroom. I have a LOD mesh that kicks in at 10 meters. I decide I want some small mushrooms. I place the mushroom in the World Editor and scale it down to 10% of its original size. Now the mushroom LOD kicks in at a 1 meter. Is this the way it should be?
Thank you for any support provided.
01-01-2012 08:17 PM |
RE: Scaling objects and LOD Issues (Bug or Works as Intended?)
Yes, it works properly.
01-02-2012 10:59 AM |