Bronze Supporter
[Bug] Actor sometime gives null base mesh/actor
I create some objects with physic box shape to make small debrises fly away when bullet hits obstacles. These debrises can collide with other props and terrain
Here is how I create debris in the middle of the game
ObjectPtr op = UID(...);
DebrisClass* deb = (DebrisClass*)Game.World.createObjNear(*op, Matrix(hitPosition));
DebrisClass is Game.Item
The pointer to the object is ok but sometime when I use REPA(debrisContainer) to do something with it, I get the object's base mesh is null and the game crashes. I have no idea on why this happens. Is object too small to spawn properly with its box shape ?
This happens not regularly, but it is about 1% chance or less. most of time the spawned debris fly away ok, but sometime this occured
Scaling up the physic box reduces occurrance rate. It is harder to happen, but still
So am I right about too small box shape can make the actor itself become null ?
08-05-2023 10:04 AM |
RE: [Bug] Actor sometime gives null base mesh/actor
I would always confirms if the ptr is valid, since there is a chance to return null in the logic if the object is not near.
Not sure about the scale question tho that might be more of a physx than engine one
08-05-2023 03:27 PM |
RE: [Bug] Actor sometime gives null base mesh/actor
You'll have to debug, and you can compile engine in debug mode too, and see what happens.
08-05-2023 03:43 PM |
Bronze Supporter
RE: [Bug] Actor sometime gives null base mesh/actor
I found the problem.
When I change the physic shape of an object, e.g from convexX to basic shapes or reverse. The "density" value is kept as what it was but the fact it is somehow erased.
I mean if I set the density before changing physicshape, the value of the textbox is kept after changing. but when running in game, that object actor becomes null everytime. Then I set the density again manually (delete the old value and type the same > Enter to confirm). Object's actor/mesh is not null anymore.
It is still a bug I think
08-09-2023 03:24 AM |
RE: [Bug] Actor sometime gives null base mesh/actor
Please provide step by step instructions how to reproduce the problem.
08-09-2023 04:20 AM |