Another Network Question.
How much players does the engine support in one zone?
Is the collision server side or client side?
How often in ms does the server send the position to the client?
Is there some kind of interpolation system on the client to draw the frames between the updates? how does that work?
What distance do 2 players have to be within in order to show up on each others screen?
What kind of tricks does the engine use to compensate lag?
11-08-2010 04:18 PM |
RE: Another Network Question.
there are no zones, you have unlimited sized worlds which are dynamically streamed.
client side collision
usually every 0.1 seconds, but that depends if there's many players, then it can get reduced automatically to reduce bandwith
yes, there's automatic interpolation
something around 50 meters, that will be configurable in the future
you'll have source code, so you can check and modify them.
11-08-2010 04:57 PM |