October 2012
Build 15:
Released 1.0 for Windows, Android, Mac and iOS:
-IMPORTANT: changed the way how button text scale is calculated: TextStyle.scale (previously known as TextDS) is now ignored for Button text, instead Button has new member text_scale=0.85 (which is multiplied by button height)
-IMPORTANT: "iphlpapi.lib" must be added to your Visual Studio project settings in linked libraries section
-IMPORTANT: Android manifest files now need to include additional permission "ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"
-IMPORTANT: Mac/iOS projects should have "-fpermissive" flag added to project settings "Other C Flags"
-IMPORTANT: CG framework for Mac is now included in the EE SDK (Installation folder) and should be manually drag and dropped on the xcode project
-IMPORTANT: particles which had set custom image animation frames in the particle editor need their value re-applied
-IMPORTANT: customers who bought Partial Editor 1.0 sources need to re-download them and include EditorLib library in their project from source package
-added support for non-uniform scaling of physical bodies during actor creation
-updated Game::Static and Game::Kinematic source code to use Vec scaling instead of Flt scaling
-removed StrLibrary::putPath and replaced it with additional parameter to StrLibrary::create "Bool paths"
-fixed importing textures on some FBX files
-updated Theora drawing methods allowing to draw full screen, draw fit, and draw rectangle
-fixed bug in Cuts(Edge, Box) and SweepPointBox(Vec point, Vec move, Box box, Flt *hit_frac, Vec *hit_pos) functions sometimes returning false 'true'
-added support for IMAGE_DXT1 format (allowing to world mini maps and reflection textures to use 2x smaller file size)
-new function GetMac (allowing to get computer's mac address) and ComputerID (allowing to get computer unique id)
-new methods Str8,Str::reverse
-new method GuiObj::is allowing to check if an object was created
-new function SetFbxDllPath allowing to set custom paths for fbx dll files used for importing fbx models
-fixed bug in Code Editor header generation for multiple variables that were defined in the same line and separated with semicolon
-SystemPath(SP_APP_DATA) will now return correct path on Mac
-added support for correct auto-rotation on iOS 6.0
Released 2.0 (Alpha) for Windows:
-please delete your projects before running this update
-reduced the size of project data file
-added support for drag and dropping EE mtrl files onto the project
-material textures can now be set also from project images
-images that are fully opaque or fully transparent will now use 2x less size when compressed
-added camera speed slider for FPP mode
-added option to play worlds inside the editor
-added ability to preview path meshes from inside the editor
-background world building now includes world mesh path generation
-modifying object physical body/path now affects world mesh paths
-included license key authentication
-searching project elements can now be done also by typing the element ID in the search box
-added waypoint options (rotate order left, rotate order right, reverse order)
10-18-2012 04:22 PM |