If you hold the left mouse button down on a button and then disable that button, the button becomes locked in the on state. Any calls to try to turn the button off fail.
For example, open the Buttons gui tutorial and then add the following code to the update method.
if(Kb.bp(KB_A)) button_a.disabled(true);
if(Kb.bp(KB_S)) button_a.set(false, true);
Now when you run the tutorial, hold the left mouse button down on button a. While the left mouse button is down, press the "a" key on your keyboard. Now release the left mouse button.
You will notice that the button now stays in the on state. Shouldn't it release to the off state when disabled, if not set to BUTTON_STAY mode?
Finally, press the "s" key on your keyboard to try and force the button back to the off state while it is disabled. You will see that this has no effect and the button stays on.
This bug (or feature) is causing a lot of trouble for me in my gui. All my attempts to work around it so far have failed. I've tried overriding almost everything in an attempt to turn the button off when it gets disabled.