Hello everyone,
I have achieved with Maya / Esenthel something that you might wanna use too : transforming an animated mesh using nCloth technology in Maya so that it is successfully imported in Esenthel Editor, which handles skeleton animation only.
I needed it to have a convincing flag animation
The main trick, and you have to keep that in mind is to create a joint for each vertex of your mesh, and bake the physic animation into keyframes.
So... The more vertices you will use ... the more bones Esenthel will have to handle.
- Creating your physics animation into Maya
- Open the script editor and copy this MEL script into the field :
string $sel[] = `ls -sl`;
float $selPos[3] = `xform -ws -q -t $sel`;
PolySelectConvert 3;
string $verts[] = `ls -sl -fl`;
select -clear;
//string $jParent = `joint -name "jParent" -p $selPos[0] $selPos[1] $selPos[2]`;
for ($v in $verts)
float $pos[3] = `xform -ws -q -t $v`;
//select $jParent;
joint -p $pos[0] $pos[1] $pos[2];
group -n BoneGroup; xform -os -piv 0 0 0;
float $rMin = `playbackOptions -q -min`;
float $rMax = `playbackOptions -q -max`;
int $frame;
for ($frame = $rMin; $frame <= $rMax; $frame++)
int $vjCounter = 0;
currentTime -e $frame;
for ($v in $verts)
// --get it's position..
float $vpos[3] = `xform -q -ws -t $v`;
// --get the name of the appropriate joint incremented by 1.
string $jName = "|BoneGroup|joint" + ++$vjCounter;
// --set the pos of the joint to the pos of the vertex..
move $vpos[0] $vpos[1] $vpos[2] $jName;
// --set keyframe
setKeyframe -at translate -t $frame $jName;
- Click the blue PLAY button to execute it : a joint will be automatically created at each vertex, and a keyframe will be created for each frame of your animation, following the simulation that has run.
- Select the joints and mesh to Bind Skin (smooth will be fine). If an error message occurs, you might delete the nCloth and constraints from your scene and try again
- If you play, you can now see your joints playing the same result of your physics simulation.
You might wanna try to clean a bit your timeline and delete some keyframes... You can trust the interpolation to have a good result, and it would be easier for you to edit the animation if you want to (for example : make it "loopable")
Now you can export you scene into .FBX, and load it in Esenthel Editor.
Here is a result of an animated flag :
Hope this will help someone else out there !