I have a bug with a custom static object, may be I'm doing something wrong so that all my instancied objects in the world have the same texture variation, and not the one chosen by the mapper.
The object: has 4 variations, and is a custom OBJ
The creation source code of the object :
void Roof::create(Object &obj)
if(phys)actor.create(*phys, 0, scale).matrix(_matrix)
.obj (this)
.group (1); // hack
this->m_BoxZone = new Box(actor.box()); // on recupere la box physique du modele
this->m_BoxZone.setY(0,10); // on la rescale en hauteur pour que ca collide avec la capsule du codeur
I haven't touch anything about the incoming &obj... But I was curious to check the mesh variation, so I added :
uint meshvar = obj.meshVariationID();
this->mesh_variation = meshvar;
While debugging I could see random integers values in meshvar.
Is there something wrong with what I'm doing ?
Or maybe my hole object is maybe corrupted ?
Sample project: