Some various questions
I'm writing with a few questions:
1. What is the best/most effective way to handle multiple explosions/decals etc? Some kind of container, array or so?
2. There seems to be some kind of 'bug', when water level is just a few meters below the ground. There are reflections on the grass, which normally are appearing on water (3rd screenshot). You can see it on these screens (second is marked):
3. How to make a starry night when using an atmospheric sky? I tried particles, but they are almost impossible to use with clouds and planets (as they are drawn first).
4. When can we expect grass to be turned on again?
5. How to control application resolution?
Cheers :-)
02-28-2010 07:36 PM |
RE: Some various questions
1. Memc is fine
3. you can try using last cloud layer set to stars texture
5. D.mode
02-28-2010 11:20 PM |