Block sound & music on mobile
I would like to bypass sound initialization entirely on startup and only call it manually. How can I do that?
Here is the problem:
We are currently in Beta with our mobile game. Some (many) would like to play the game while listening to their music or audio books (like I often do). The problem is that the music or other audio immediately stops when the game is launched, even when no music or sound is playing. Players can turn off music and sound, which blocks playing. The only operation it would do is add tracks to a playlist and calls to CacheSound. This setting is saved in a config file.
But still, other music stops when the game is launched.
04-20-2014 03:10 PM |
RE: Block sound & music on mobile
Or maybe sound & music is currently in exclusive mode?
Anyway, a response would be appreciated.
04-22-2014 09:09 PM |