(12-20-2011 03:38 AM)aaronaowens Wrote: Nothing...No luck still...I drag and drop an image into the designated area and nothing happens...I'm at a loss...
Perhaps it is related to something else than image loading.
Maybe it's related to the original path of the file?
From what path are you drag and dropping the file? (please provide full path like c:/.../heightmap.bmp without the ...)
Try to copy the file to C:/heightmap.bmp and drag and drop again, let me know if it helps
Are you capable of running C++ tutorial?
"SDK/Advanved/Misc/Drag & Drop.cpp" - run this, and then drag and drop the file, to verify the engine has correctly processed the drag and drop function
If not, can you at least try to drag and drop the bmp image to Converter.exe tool in "Show" mode, to check if it will load the image and display it.
Or, 3rd option, drag and drop the bmp file to Editor.exe in Data Browser mode, context menu should appear with "set path to element, open element, copy .." and select set path to element, and see what happens, also let me know if upon setting path to element the editor will display the bmp image on the right side in "Preview" region