Hiya all
So, this is not only to gather resources/help to implementation of 3rd party library's, but also to see wich awesome library's out there i might have missed.
Suggest wich one's you might like see working within Esenthal engine (if possible ofcourse), some of your own found library's would be nice too.
I got a couple to begin with :
Wich is basicly a upgraded Hikari meet's internet explorer meet's 3d engine UI thing, there is assorted download links on the forum at prince of code or
here (msvc9).
Basicly does some nice water, and its really cheap for indie's
Those are the ones ive got my eye on at the moment, anyone have any others, maybe even better 3rd party sites/libs out there ? maybe a speedtree wannabe addon ? or a even better water/river addon, or something else, or even some really awesome shaders ?
And, something affordable ofcourse