Hi comunity, can someone to help me? I am trying to do this mathematical things:
1-I have balls (or spheres). Between each pair of balls I have to put a connection (a long cylinder mesh with a small radius) that connects a pair of balls. Each cylinder has vertical orientation (0,-1,0).
2-I have to create 2 matrices. One matrix position to put the cylinder at the center of one of the pair of balls, and a matrix rotation to rotate this cylinder to connect this pair of balls. The cylinder has distance=Dist(center ball1, center ball2).
3-to do this I have this code:
void IniPosRotCylinder(int iball1, int iball2, int icylinder) {
float uv, modu, modv, angle, cos;
Vec u(0, 1, 0),v,uxv; // u=vector initial cylinder with no rotation
//---------- calcule angle vectors u,v -----------------------
v = Gl.c[iball2].pos - Gl.c[iball1].pos; v.normalize();
uv = Dot(u, v); // dotproduct = u.x * v.x + u.y * v.y + u.z * v.z;
modu = 1; modv = 1; // modulus of u,v (directly)
cos = uv / (modu * modv); angle = Acos(cos); // in radians
// get normal to plane u,v
uxv = Cross(u, v); uxv.normalize();
//--- calculate matrix position of cylinder
Matrix m1(MatrixIdentity);
Vec pos = Gl.c[iball1].pos; // ball pos
Matrix m2(MatrixIdentity);
m2.setRotate(uxv, angle);
//--- Put cylinder to matrix position m1 and rotate by matrix m2
Gl.cnx[icylinder].mt = m2*m1;
this picture try to explain this:
In a other 3D engine (TV3D) I could make this with the function:
But I want to do this with Esenthel engine. I suppose that I need to keep in mind the center position of cylinder before I put to it exactly at center ball (p1). Note: u=initial cylinder vector rotation, v=vector between p2-p1.
I am sure it's not easy to do, but I did this in the other engine. In Esenthel perhaps is possible to do this in a other way, perhaps in a few functions.
I hope with the pictures the problem is understandable.
Thanks very much for your attention.