Is there any way to improve fps when using physx in Esenthel Engine?
I've been able to simulate 2000 boxes, even with graphically "intensive" visualization with PhysX at about 40 FPS:
However this runs at about 6 FPS for me (after the boxes all fell down):
#include "stdafx.h"
Actor ground;
Memb<Actor> boxes;
void InitPre()
Bool Init()
// create physics
// create actors
Actor& a = boxes.New();
a.create(Box (0.6,1.0,0.6 ,Vec(x,y,z)));
ground.create(Box (150,2,150,Vec(0 ,-2, 0)), 0); // create ground actor from Box and density=0 (which means it's a static actor - will not move)
return true;
void Shut()
Bool Update()
if(Kb.bp(KB_ESC))return false;
static Bool simulatedOnce= false;
if(simulatedOnce)Physics.get();// end frame simulation
Physics.sim(); // start frame simulation
simulatedOnce = true;
return true;
void Draw()
D .clear();
Physics.draw (); // draw physical actors
D.text(-D.w()+0.2,D.h()-0.1,Str16(L"FPS: ")+Tm.fps());
Notice I already make best use of multi threading by letting it simulate from one call to update up to the next.
Btw., if you look at my code, is this how you would do something like this? (I'm pretty new o this engine, so I could use some advice.)
Especially the creation of the boxes (Do I need to store them? Should I use another memory structure?) and the text drawing (Would I position stuff on the screen like this? Is what I do to create the text string (
Str16(L"FPS: ")+Tm.fps()) good practice? How do I make text left aligned? Where are the default text draw settings?)
Hmm, OK, If I call
Physics.sim() with
1/60.0f, I also get 40 FPS. Looks like the physx engine was made for that update rate.