'Create from Mesh' physics general performance
Hi, been wondering about this for awhile, project is getting to the stage where I really have to worry about it - When using 'Create from Mesh' (As Mesh) vs. Convex/making them myself, is there a serious/moderate performance difference as the end result on an object thats intended to be entirely static? (obj_static, embedded into terrain, etc)
Especially on more complex objects, like buildings intended to be walked into, I enjoy the 'As Mesh' precision and speed vs. applying physics manually within the tool or having to make a simpler model by which to create a simpler physics with.
But, i see what appears to be thousands of blue lines criss-crossing my building and i'm wondering what exactly am I trading for all the ease of clicking 'As Mesh'?
This is fairly important as some of these buildings will be player housing, and walls/doors/windows/etc will need some fair amount of precision in their physics to avoid any incidents of the player's placing other objects without nasty clipping. I've attached a screenshot of what i mean - it'd be nice to be able to use the windiw sill there without having to manually add the entire physics structure myself on a complex building.
01-26-2011 07:43 PM |
RE: 'Create from Mesh' physics general performance
your model looks simple (low poly), so don't worry about performance for phys mesh.
01-26-2011 08:39 PM |