Accessing objects in world.
Hi everyone.
In my game, there are some objects that has couple of versions (buildings). On each stage, the player can upgrade existing building or buy a new one. So, for example, from three versions of one building, I need to render only one at time (currently bought). The question is, how to add new meshes to the world, or access existing ones to remove/disable it?
The only solution I came up with, is to manually load and draw appropriate objects.
05-31-2011 09:18 PM |
RE: Accessing objects in world.
If saying manually you mean creating a new type based on static with additional function to change mesh and use it in WE then yes - even if it's not only, it's the most logical solution.
05-31-2011 10:24 PM |
RE: Accessing objects in world.
EsenthelEngineSDK\Tutorials\Source\Advanced\4 - Demos, Game Basics\Game Basics\10 - Dynamically Created Objects.cpp
06-01-2011 01:23 AM |
RE: Accessing objects in world.
I haven't thought to do it this way. I'm new to the Esenthel, so obvious solutions often aren't so obvious
I have another question. Is there any way, to disable rendering water made in the world editor during gameplay?
06-01-2011 01:02 PM |
RE: Accessing objects in world.
If you're using VS - type 'Water', right-click, Go To Definition and look for it.
06-01-2011 01:31 PM |