Skinned meshes
I noticed, that there is very similar system of character design we have now for our game in other engine - skeleton, animations and character parts are in separate files (all rigged to that skeleton of course).
Do I understand well, that EE is able to take all charcter parts and join them on the fly to one skinned mesh to save drawcalls? Or it is only stitching together to be driven by one skeleton, but it each part is one skinned mesh?
I havent found this information on wiki.
(This post was last modified: 11-27-2011 02:42 AM by Demostenes2.)
11-27-2011 02:41 AM |
RE: Skinned meshes
Rendering skinned meshes is groupped by CSkeleton (unlike rendering static meshes which is groupped by material) :
1. set skeleton matrices to GPU
2. draw all mesh parts assigned to this skeleton
all of this is handled internally in the engine.
11-27-2011 03:32 PM |
RE: Skinned meshes
I am not sure I understand you. If I take 10 skinned meshes (parts of character) and join them to one skinned mesh one the fly (one part has one material), I have less draw calls (and one skinned mesh instead of 10, which is very important too). I can even make some texture atlas on the fly to join all textures in one material, but this is not important.
Your system looks to me like some batching, it is able to lower drawcals similar way? I am coming from other engine, so I am not used to your terminilogy. Thanks.
(This post was last modified: 11-27-2011 05:57 PM by Demostenes2.)
11-27-2011 05:55 PM |