A scam is where you pay for something and get nothing. BWT is not a scam. If you were thorough enough to read more posts, you would see BWT is even offering a refund if customers are not happy. I would love to have the opportunity to purchase a company version of Esenthel and if I'm not satisfied get a refund.
Support : Again, think. You are getting a 5 figure engine for the price of a pair of sneakers. How can you still expect full support? BWT has hundreds of customers (who pay 5 figures) to support - which they do. If you want support, pay for it.
Also remember its a complete and proven engine, and has many released games .. so it all works. Its not vaporware.
Good support, like here at Esenthel, is really necessary when an engine is being developed or in early stages, but once theres loads of published games then not so much ... wiki, samples and forum support should be more than adequate. As for them not releasing the latest version for Indies in a rush .... the version they are released is complete so whats the rush, why MUST it be the latest? The simple fact is .. .they are not rushing to get latest release to Indies (or the source version) for a good reason - the income from Indie versions is nothing - and they have plenty of paid work to do.
The complaints you read about versions is from fans who want the latest bells and whistles - this is normal. On the other hand, some forums delete those (negative) type of posts, BWT is honest enough to leave them there.
(01-28-2012 06:47 PM)Demostenes Wrote: HE is very risky too (hidden costs), read the licence.
Welcome to games development.
If you think any other alternatives are not costly, think again.
HE offers a ready to go solution, you don't need any h/w or s/w for the backend, they even supply staff and manage it for you ... of course its going to have a cost.