Hi Esenthel, sory for LAG in answer but i bought new hard disks and i had a lot of work with reinstall software creating RAID1 and moving some important data.
btw. I saw your tips last night and i did test with sounds.
I have simple flying helicopter.
First sfx starts playing when helicopter is on ground and starting fly up. Next when helicopter reached Y position, sfx is changed to idle.wav and in this moment sometimes occur lag, not always but sometimes (takes ~150~200 ms) - like on video. When i'm playing additional sounds (explosions, or weapon sfx) sometimes lags isn't occur and sometimes occur. If i'm playing long time freezes disappear.
I'm wondering if i understand you. If i create:
and load one by one the
wav file and run loop one by one then part of memory reserved for
variable f will be erased by next looped file?
And next doubt:
File f; is in
Init { } so when
Init is performed,
variable f and part of memory reserved for it has importance for rest of application?
So, my last verdict and observation: Better solution is playing long while, then freeze isn't occur and playing sound is smooth.
I have an idea, You have a lot of work and now only one person (me) see inconveniences, so i'll be continue my work and if problem will grow (now is acceptable) then i'll report in this thread.
Sory for my ignorance but programming is my hobby and i'm still learning new things
good night