I was in the process of moving and haven't been able to check on things for about a month.
I ran the auto updater and tried uploading it again. I still received the error for some reason.
I'm going to try a couple things and will post my results.
Not to get off topic but I've been really frustrated over an inventory issue i've been having.
In the MMO Source code the server adds items to the inventory with this line:
However if I do the same thing client side when I go to view my inventory it locks up the whole thing. Is there something I'm missing?
For the FTP Dest Folder if I take out the first /, making it var/patch instead of /var/patch it uploads a couple files in the begging before inevitability throwing the error. But now the allocated memory size changes every time.
It seems to be working now, by removing the \ from the begging of the destination folder the uploader works.