We are raycasting onto "npcs" in our game which is an actor to change mouse cursor types and behaviours. If you are close to the npc it doesn't cast correctly. but if you move away from it, it does. I have a video which shows clearly what happens:
The code is as follows:
if(Ms.startPos() != Ms.pos()){T.obj =NULL;mst=MHand;
if(!Ms.hidden() || Gui.ms()==NULL)
Vec2 screen =(Ms.pos());
UInt actor_groups=~(IndexToFlag(AG_NPC));
Vec pos, dir; ScreenToPosDir(screen,pos,dir);
PhysHit phys_hit;
if(Physics.ray(pos, dir*D.viewRange(), &phys_hit, actor_groups))
T.obj =phys_hit.obj;
T.pos =phys_hit.plane.pos;
In NPC struct, if(Cur.obj == this)mst=MNpc;
Note mst is mouse types