That's cool about the JNI support, I really think others would be interested in it.
The ouya is $100USD the shield will be more then double this, close to $300 I think, I don't get it the PSP is 100 times better!
The ouya has excited a lot of indie developers (me included) because it's an open console. And by far the easiest console get published on!
The hardware is not a cheap chines thing (maybe the controllers) , it's has a usb and an ethernet port.
Yes, the Tegra 3 is old, but I don't think it's underpowered, the PS1/N64 those were underpowered but they still had awesome games
Yes, lots of negative press only because most of the games are built on #nity and not with esethnel !!
There's a lot of opportunity especially for your engine and your games if you port them to ouya, they'll stand out from the rest!
Especially for launch (June).
I plugged your engine on ages ago on their forums, as you have android support