Esenthel Editor Not Responding
Hi, I noticed there are a few scenarios that on my computer at least ALWAYS guarantee me a not responding error. I hope you can look into it at some point and maybe fix it, because one is really annoying. Here they are:
1) When connected to my friend's server - Whenever I want to go quit the program or go back to Project list
2) When attempting to erase all removed data
in this case the program ALWAYS bugs and stops responding. The fact that this actually stops me from deleting removed data is annoying, i have tones of trash piled up and i cant delete it because it bugs when i try deleting it. Please help me out with this
03-19-2013 10:46 PM |
RE: Esenthel Editor Not Responding
I work together with a friend too and don't get a crash in either of those cases. Could you be a bit more specific? What operating system, do you run the server, which .exe, ..?
03-20-2013 12:10 AM |
RE: Esenthel Editor Not Responding
I have Windows on 64 bits, I run Esenthel 64.exe, and Server.exe.
My friend has Windows on 32, and runs Esenthel.exe, and Server.exe.
The issue occurs when I connect to his server and try to quit or go to project list. It's an ignorable issue, as all my work is saved, but it's annoying.
Somehow, I DID manage to erase my remove data for once, but so far every single time I tried it the engine would stop responding. This was in offline mode (not connected to anyone).
03-20-2013 08:08 AM |
RE: Esenthel Editor Not Responding
Let's focus first on this issue "When attempting to erase all removed data"
Can you tell me does that happen every single time you try to use that function?
Does it happen only in your own project?
Does it happen in some other projects (like Tutorials) ?
If it doesn't happen in other projects (Tutorials), can you add all types of elements to the project (using right click - new), once all elements have been added, remove them all, and then try using erase removed elements?
When you say "stops responding", can you tell approximately how long did you wait to force close it?
03-20-2013 12:31 PM |
RE: Esenthel Editor Not Responding
Right, I tried creating a trash folder with all possible trash elements, and apparently it deleted everything instantly. What do you know... It worked in My project, where the issue was encountered. I waited about a minute or even more before for a response, it was quite clearly stuck. But this weird solution seems to have worked.
I'm a student at computer engineering, if you have time, could you explain why this solution helped fixed my problem? I'm just damn curious
03-21-2013 01:17 AM |
RE: Esenthel Editor Not Responding
Well this is no solution, I just wanted to have some tests and their results
To verify If some element types cause freezes on those operations
03-21-2013 10:10 AM |
RE: Esenthel Editor Not Responding
I just found myself another way to make Esenthel stop responding:
I'm simply trying to BUILD my source. It was all going well, I was recycling my inventory from my previous project, and after adding all the inventory code bits, when I attempt to build (not run, just build) it stops responding. So I have no error, no idea where and what is going on. My first idea was to remove all the new source bits (the item, inventory, inventory gui sources) and try to build again, as it once worked. It gets bugged this way also.
Any idea what might be wrong? I'm totally lost here, I'll try reinstalling the engine, hoping that works, but if it doesn't?
It's probably not an engine issues. It DOES compile and run the other projects with no problem. It just bugs at mine, goes in the not responding state. I waited over 2 minutes, just to be sure. Any idea why this may happen?
(This post was last modified: 03-24-2013 08:59 PM by AndrewBGS.)
03-24-2013 08:35 PM |
RE: Esenthel Editor Not Responding
I also tried opening the project in visual studio, to see it would bug there also.
It stops responding after I press the "Open in Visual Studio" button.
I'm really lost here, what could I have done so wrong?
03-25-2013 07:48 AM |
RE: Esenthel Editor Not Responding
Could you send me the project, so I will test building / opening in VS?
03-25-2013 12:09 PM |
RE: Esenthel Editor Not Responding
I think so. I'll make you an archive with the code as text files, as aparently I can't export it any other fancy format.
For just one second, I removed a row of code (it is currently commented) and it worked. I was so happy, and then I tried to run again and it was back to not responding at build stage. I'll send you the archive when I get to my PC.
I'll also try disassembling and reassembling the code, you never know...
03-25-2013 01:40 PM |
RE: Esenthel Editor Not Responding
Please rar/7z the folder in EE 2.0 Projects folder (not codes as text files), I need exact copy of your project.
Thank you
03-25-2013 02:55 PM |
RE: Esenthel Editor Not Responding
Ok in that case I'm not sure what I should do; I don't know how to identify the code files all the weird hashed files in there. The whole project folder is over 1GB, so that's not a solution. How can I identify the source codes?
(I don't have a build for the projects, due to this issues)
03-25-2013 04:59 PM |
RE: Esenthel Editor Not Responding
You can create new empty project
Then open the one with sources
Select all the source code elements
in the Menu select "Copy Selected Elements"
copy to the empty project created in first step
open empty project
verify if compiling the sources after copying also causes the issue
Archive the empty project (now with source elements)
03-26-2013 03:20 PM |
RE: Esenthel Editor Not Responding
Many thanks for sending me the sample project
I've managed to find and fix the bug, I'll upload fixed version soon.
03-26-2013 06:58 PM |
RE: Esenthel Editor Not Responding
Fixed version of what?
so it WAS something really messy I wrote in there? Could you please let me know what, for future reference? This has really slowed my coding progress a lot.
And anyway, very very very many thanks, I was totally lost there. I owe you another drink.
03-26-2013 07:32 PM |