Grass in 2.0 Editor
Hello! How to create grass in 2.0 editor? It was pretty simple in early version of the engine. I'm think that it's article not actual anymore?
I've tried to make two crossed planes and put it object editor, and i attached my material to this but it seems incorrect. Is there have tools for recalculating normals like before? Thanks!
05-03-2013 05:22 PM |
RE: Grass in 2.0 Editor
I don't think such an option exists now, but if you still have 1.0 just create the grass there and then import it into 2.0?
But you might be able to set the normals correctly in your modeling app, here's some additional info on how to make proper tree & vegetation normals for games (it gives tips for max & maya, I'm sure the same can be done in blender i just haven't tried it yet):
05-03-2013 07:21 PM |
RE: Grass in 2.0 Editor
Thanks para! It solved by unwraping my model (i'm just forget to do that ).
05-04-2013 04:46 AM |