Here's some more detailed information:
Server: Win7 Pro x64
Clients: Win7 Pro x64 - Licensed(same machine as the server),
XP 32 - Demo (external IP)
Creating a project on either client then uploading causes the project on the server to corrupt the code. Images, models, etc seem to transfer fine.
1) Connect to server(either client), new project
2) Add new application (Application 1), new code file in App 1 (Code 1).
3) Paste contents of Tutorial 1, then build.
4) Either:
A) Delete project and re-download from server
B) Connect to server on a different client
C) Copy project from the server to client project directory
5) Open the project, navigate to Application 1 and open Code 1
At this point the project says 'Can't Load "Application 1\Code 1" file'.
4ebu-56j-rq4-srjpu799m^r.7z (Size: 448 bytes / Downloads: 1)
I get the same error if I use the local client to create a new version of the same project, then copy it directly to the server projects folder. When the remote client downloads the project, it can't load the file.
x1lil2al!px4kmdwsby7w372.7z (Size: 450 bytes / Downloads: 1)
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get as far as getting the gibberish that Xzess was getting. I just can't upload or download code from the server at all. :-/
I'm continuing to test things that it might be on my end.