Ahh, I'm such a noob, Esenthel.. the answer was so clear :oops:
But anyway.. What I mean is: each of the 6 sides of the skybox must have a panorama (or distorted) image and not flat, because the real sky, as we see it, is round but the skybox the engine uses is a box, with edges and corners.. Sooo.. To create the illusion of this 'roundness' in the engine, we must use distorted images on each side of the box or else we'd see these edges and corners in the sky, right? So, to 'distort' the images I project my initial texture with stars (in Blender) from a sphere onto a cube and save it as a new texture with 6 distorted images on it. Now I can use it in the engine and see no edges as if the skybox was really round...
So, my question was: do I have to distort my initial texture in Blender or can I just devide it in 6 and the engine will distort it automatically on the fly?
I wasn't right saying that I noticed no edges and corners with my undistorted (flat) texture. I didn't notice them because the texture has just some stars on the black background.
Bottom line: I must use panorama images for my skybox.
Sorry for taking your time, Esenthel..
And thanx for the fast reply!