[solved]flat ground made of many actors not so flat
Hi, when im moving ball actor on flat ground made of box actors ball often jump on edge of box actor.
Here edited code from tutorial Physics/actors to check what i mean.
(my edits in bold text)
Actor ground, ground2, ground3, ground4,
ground5, ground6, ground7, ground8,
box ,
ball ;
void InitPre()
bool Init()
// create physics
Physics.create(EE_PHYSX_DLL_PATH); // create physics by specifying the path to physx dll's
// create actors
ground.create(Box (5, 1, 5, Vec(0.0, -2, 0)), 0); // create ground actor from Box and density=0 (which means it's a static actor - will not move)
ground2.create(Box (5, 1, 5, Vec(0.0, -2, 5)), 0);
ground3.create(Box (5, 1, 5, Vec(0.0, -2, 10)), 0);
ground4.create(Box (5, 1, 5, Vec(0.0, -2, 15)), 0);
ground5.create(Box (5, 1, 5, Vec(5.0, -2, 0)), 0); // create ground actor from Box and density=0 (which means it's a static actor - will not move)
ground6.create(Box (5, 1, 5, Vec(5.0, -2, 5)), 0);
ground7.create(Box (5, 1, 5, Vec(5.0, -2, 10)), 0);
ground8.create(Box (5, 1, 5, Vec(5.0, -2, 15)), 0);
box .create(Box (0.3 , Vec(0.1, 1, 0)));
ball .create(Ball(0.3 , Vec(2.5, 0, 2.5)), 10);
return true;
void Shut()
bool Update()
if(Kb.bp(KB_ESC))return false;
CamHandle(0.1, 10, CAMH_ZOOM|CAMH_ROT);
// physics update
Physics.startSimulation(); // start frame simulation
// physics simulation takes some time, so you can do some calculations here
// important : you may not modify actors between Physics.startSimulation() and Physics.stopSimulation()
Physics.stopSimulation(); // get results of frame simulation
flt s=30;
// add forces to ball
if(Kb.b(KB_UP ))ball.addForce(Vec( 0, 0, 1)*s);
if(Kb.b(KB_DOWN ))ball.addForce(Vec( 0, 0, -1)*s);
if(Kb.b(KB_LEFT ))ball.addForce(Vec(-1, 0, 0)*s);
if(Kb.b(KB_RIGHT))ball.addForce(Vec( 1, 0, 0)*s);
// add forces to ball according to camera
if(Kb.b(KB_W))ball.addForce( !PointOnPlane(Cam.matrix.z, Vec(0, 1, 0))*s);
if(Kb.b(KB_S))ball.addForce(-!PointOnPlane(Cam.matrix.z, Vec(0, 1, 0))*s);
if(Kb.b(KB_A))ball.addForce(-!PointOnPlane(Cam.matrix.x, Vec(0, 1, 0))*s);
if(Kb.b(KB_D))ball.addForce( !PointOnPlane(Cam.matrix.x, Vec(0, 1, 0))*s);
// add velocity to ball
if(Kb.bp(KB_SPACE))ball.addVel(Vec(0, 3, 0));
return true;
void Draw()
D .clear();
Physics.draw (); // draw physical actors
Just move on the ground and You will see. any ideas how to fix that?
(This post was last modified: 08-07-2013 01:02 PM by dziablo.)