The file names will not be stored as human readable format, never.
It is because they are stored internally as UID's, so they can get renamed in the editor, moved into different folders, without breaking things, and also it allows for real-time collaboration done easily.
The file names of the files is simply the UID of the element in text based format.
Quote:#1: I have a hard time discarding the use of Visual Studio.
There is absolutely nothing stopping you from using Visual Studio for coding of the 2.0 projects.
I have already said in other thread, you can use Ctrl+MMB to get the element UID, and then Ctrl+V it in Visual Studio.
I have even offered auto adding of a comment with the resource file name, but no one was interested.
Quote:#3: My project has dozens of text files (config files) that point to asset files under the data folder
You can make a tool that converts the human files names to UID's with the new Network Editor Interface.
Quote:Also, some of the config files should not be encrypted so users can access them directly
No, the correct way would be to make a tool that users use to edit data.
Having users fiddle with text files is 'beginner' move (please note I'm not talking about your skills, but I am talking about approach of expecting users to edit text files), please imagine if instead of me creating Esenthel 1.0 and 2.0 editors, I would have told you instead "I'm not making an editor where you can create stuff visually, please just supply text based data for worlds, objects and all of your game".
Can you imagine dropping the editors, and create the game in Notepad?
The professional way is to make editors, where the users setup data visually.
Now with the Network Editor Interface, you can make such editors, because you can access the project elements, their names, ID's and types.
I am merely giving suggestions as how I would recommend doing addons/editors.