Disclaimer: This is not my main project; I am working on an RPG, but that's a long shot. I went for trying something small that I can see released soon to see how things would work out. So here's my try:
Balls (or... Magic Balls, Mighty Balls, something, I might have to a more appropriate name) is a puzzle game, structured on several levels - totally original. The action happens on a 10x10 matrix map filled with different types of blocks (simple blocks, tunnels, gaps, cracked blocks, etc - not all are implemented yet). The goal - which could use a story behind it - is to place the ball(s) in the corresponding hole(s).
To achieve this, the game has two states:
1) BUILD state - where the player may move some of the blocks on the map to whatever positions he considers that will help him later on. The ball(s) can not be moved in this state.
The player finds a movable block (smooth ones, for now; they will have specific different texture later on) and he moves the block wherever it may be needed to complete the puzzle.
After moving all blocks to the desired position, the user should play the "play" button, ad move on to the PLAY state. After this is done, blocks can no longer be moved, and the grid disappears.
2) PLAY state - here the player applies impulses to the ball(s) in the game in order to guide them to the corresponding hole. Impulses affect ALL the balls on the map, and can only be applied when no ball is in motion (so basically, you tell the balls to go right, and they go right all the way until they stop. Then you can move them again)
! this will be developed in a table tilting effect. Soon.
- Map with tunnels, in play state, completed, close to the end
- Simple map, using a different ground texture and no borders - the ball may fall out of the world (which results in failing the level)
Currently the basics of the game are working; I have to implement a few more features, like cracking blocks, portal blocks, mad balls (that will move in the opposite impulse direction), a feature to change the texture, plus all that user experience stuff; advancing from lvl to lvl, rating the performance, tutorial and interface messages, etc. But the basics work.
While this may not look like much, it actually get quite cool and challenging when you involve more than one ball into the game. I do have a few multiple-ball maps, but they're not implemented yet. hope I'll get to add them to the showcase tonight. It doesn't compare to the one-ball puzzles. These are trivial. So... cool maps coming up.
But I'd appreciate any feedback you guys can give me. And sorry for the long post.