That sounds very reasonable.
As you've mentioned it would allow for code syncing via SVN, which I understand that many people would welcome, since EE does not yet have manual verification and editing of code syncing conflicts.
I'll add this for the next release
Could you tell me however, would it work by importing .txt files from the same path that currently the files are exported? _build_/AppName/Source/*.txt would that path work? Because in this path there's also lots of other temporary files, like *.cpp, *.h, and also that path can get deleted by the "build/clean" and "build/clean all" menu options
Or would you need me to use a different path without any other temporary files which won't get deleted by the "clean" options?
I could then use something like that:
"_svn_/!#1ksq679hg41r3jtk!p4jq-/^2fp27-on^64_87qdelc!3t!.txt" (where the "!#1ksq679hg41r3jtk!p4jq-" is the ProjectID and the "^2fp27-on^64_87qdelc!3t!" is the source code element ID)
"_svn_/ProjectName/Folder/File.txt" with human readable names (this is easier to read, however it won't work so well if you suddenly rename/move to different folder a source code element)